Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Just went out the back & the sun has returned after a foggy morning! At last! My big, fat tuxedo cat was doing flip-flops, rolling about on the warm decking. Love to see a contented cat!
(Hey, margo, I seem to have gotten your share of the sun this easter! Sorry, very greedy of me!)
The only down side of today is that the links on A2K aren't working ... So I can't check the new posts ...
hmmm, the links at the advert banner? My links are working....
The only one working here is "your posts" ... Maybe it's just Oz?
littlek wrote:I came down to a child-free zone for easter. Cape cod with my parents and a family I've been friends with for a while. My dad bought me a chocie bunny! It's deliscious. Looks like we'll do something fun and come back to cook an average family dinner (risotto, fish, asparagus) and then have our friends over for dessert.
the average american dinner sure has changed. i don't remember eating my friends for desert.
msolga, i was having problems with the site earlier as well. seems to be working fine now.
took my girls to the beach on saturday. they had a blast. went to a friends house for a bbq yesterday, and now i'm back at work.
pueo! Happy Easter, everyone!
Been to gym like good person - now here and enjoying the ecstatic sunshine drugged cats!
What a day - drenched in gold and blue - I am almost drunk with it myself.
Back at work already, pueo? Too soon, too soon! My goodness they work you hard!
But it sounds like you & your girls had a great time at the beach!

Should be more opportunities for pleasure, I say!
dlowan wrote:Been to gym like good person - now here and enjoying the ecstatic sunshine drugged cats!
What a day - drenched in gold and blue - I am almost drunk with it myself.
Yes, yes, dlowan, just magic, isn't it? (Sorry, margo!)
How's Oscar! Better? I hope so!
msolga wrote:Back at work already, pueo? Too soon, too soon! My goodness they work you hard!
But it sounds like you & your girls had a great time at the beach!

Should be more opportunities for pleasure, I say!
it's monday here on guam and oz too.
Yes, but most people are enjoying a Monday holiday & return to work tomorrow.
Europe is "on Easter Monday" as well. (Most of it, at least.)
What a mess my day was. My sons father had planned on coming up here for three days and my son was going to spend yesterday up until Tuesday with him in a hotel about a half an hour away from here. Mom and I were just going to have a quiet dinner with some wine and just spend our day relaxing. Well, things didn't go as planned since my sons father wasn't allowed to enter Canada due to his criminal record. The man called here all day and night on Easter asking me to figure out how to get our son to where he was in a hotel in Maine. We argued and I was not happy with the situation at all.
We had a nice dinner though, but so much for me and mom's quiet time.
How awful! I hope things are more serene at your end by now.
Yes, I hope so, Montana.
The First Annual Easter Egg Hunt went really well!! The sozlet scampered around and let out whoops of triumph whenever she found something and bedecked herself with the cheapie jewelry I'd put in the plastic eggs and savored the choc bunny (for the record, she went right for the ears), and continued to play with the (now-empty) eggs pretty much all day. I got a dozen that were actual-egg-sized, and stored them in a used egg carton, and she ALWAYS wants to play with real eggs so was ecstatic to have a whole carton to herself. She would drop one from a height while giving it instructions; "Egg, break! Please break, egg! Break! Yay! Thanks!" (The eggs are jointed but "break" open when you drop them, usually. Took a few tries sometimes.) So she did a lot of that, a lot of hiding the eggs for us to find in the house, a lot of finding the eggs after we hid them in the house, etc., etc.
She's been sick and we thought she was all the way better but then she had another tummy episode last night (~12 hrs after the bunny ears, so I don't think its related, no matter what Deb will claim) but after a good night's sleep seems to be doing better again.
Great, soz!
If you lived in some other country, the sozlet would certainly ask you to buy "kinder surprise eggs". (Ferrero can't sell that in the USA for legal reasons.)
(There is a great collector market for those 'toys' in the eggs, btw!)
Got rained out yesterday. I hope to use my last day to put on the roofing.
I really enjoyed the long weekend. Went out with BigDice Thursday night. Started Friday with some rollerblading. Read a lot. Watched TV. Waited for BigDice to come home. Saturday was cold! So I did a little grocery shopping and had coffee at the restaurant with BigDice. Spent Saturday evening at my sister's house with her familiy plus oldest nephew's girlfriend. Got big hugs from grown-up nephews for bringing them Easter goodies.
Tried to go rollerblading on Sunday - it started to rain... So I had a lazy Sunday with more reading. This morning it was nice and sunny - more rollerblading of course! I love spring! Lunch at the Italian restaurant. A quick visit to a friend's house who is building some appartments that we might be interested in. More reading with BigDice and the cats all curled up on the sofa. No it's raining again. I can even hear some thunder. I guess it's time to get dinner started and have a nice glass of wine to end this relaxing weekend.