Re: Indifference
Reyn wrote:In my mind, "debating" is an intellectual pastime for folks who can't play chess.
How many times have you seen a final resolution as a result of a debate where one side concedes and sees the other's point of view?
I dont think the point is ever to persuade the other of your view.
You can have an exchange with someone, who's knowledgeable on the same topic as you, end up still disagreeing, but have learnt a lot in the meantime anyway (and not just in looking things up to bash the other over the head with). In a good debate, someone will, in explaining where he is coming from and how he argues his case, after all come up with lots of pieces of information that you hadnt known of before, with sources or materials that might be interesting, and occasionally even with a supportive concept that in itself rounded out your own perspective.
Of course, all of that does imply that posts do more than merely state an opinion or contradict or belittle the other's opinion, but to actually have some meat on 'em in terms of supportive information / explanation. That's mostly missing here, as the fever pitch of partisanity is always too high for people to take the patience / reflection / distance to look things up and mull things over, instead of only reacting immediately to the to and fro.
Mailinglists tend to do a better job than forums, in that regard.