Fri 18 Apr, 2003 02:02 am
Well, why?
Come on - don't you know?
Well, GUESS!
Because the NYStock Exchange is closed on Good Friday.
That's why!
I'll think about this more deeply "after dark", ehem, when it is "after light", I mean.
It's dark in Boston right now!
It's only 4:30 am. That's why!
Nah - that wasn't the question - but it is interesting nonetheless, since forum time is 3.51 - and I thought the forum was on US eastern New Haven in a time warp?
Because someone is standing around a corner yelling, "What do you want me to do with this."
Men should not be taught pronouns.
Why ? coz like Mount Everest it's there. Just like nasty creepy crawly things in hot sweaty places and 'orrible stinging, snapping, crunching things in dark wet places.
as Pueo has so clearly and succinctly stated, the question should properly be what, not why.
What are you contented about, and how did you become such a specialist in being contented? Do you teach courses? When, for how long, for how much? What is the class size?
Please proceed when you are prepared.
why should I?
why what?
is this another trick question?
I need a very small spanner.
Can somebody help?
b e c a u s e . . . w h y ?
What, where who, when and ... .
how did we get to this pass in time? was anyone watching for roadside stands? I'm awfully thirsty. Does anyone have any lemonade? Is it fresh? Why?
(Or Zed, if you prefer.)
Unless you are going backwards -- in which case, Ex.
Actually, the spanner is because it is too big - and I want it to be smaller...