djjd62 wrote: ... folks in the religious thread ... you just never know what's gonna set them off
Oh, I dunno 'bout that; think I've got pretty good idea just how to go about it, in fact
edgarblythe wrote:It's only a forum, not life and death. Why take it so seriously?
And we have a winner! Give the man a prize! :wink:
timberlandko wrote:djjd62 wrote: ... folks in the religious thread ... you just never know what's gonna set them off
Oh, I dunno 'bout that; think I've got pretty good idea just how to go about it, in fact

You are a very naughty bird . . .
heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee . . .
This forum is severely mal-moderated. It's one of the reasons I left.
edgarblythe wrote:On the subject of offending threads and posts, I don't understand why a member would get so offended as to make a personal attack on another member, as occasionally happens. Once they go too far, they lose their posting priveleges and can no longer make the points important to them. Plus, they lose contact with some of the friends they've made. It's only a forum, not life and death. Why take it so seriously?
Agreed. But I think sometimes
some posters should count to 10 before they post ...... You know: "I'm losing the argument & my ego's bruised ... I can't come up with convincing counter-arguments & I'm just gonna hit out with offensive statements (about the issue under discussion)!" You don't have to become
personal to be offensive. Sometimes outrageous, ill thought-out comments can do the trick just as well!
This is one of the best moderated sites i've ever seen. The vicious nature of the religio-political climate in the United States has a good deal to do with the unpleasantness here (and the Canajuns contribute their fair share to that).
One site which i frequent in Ireland has members rigtht across the English speaking world. Religion is rarely discussed there, except in the context of remembering the bizarre world of un-self-examining Catholicism in which most of the Irish were raised. Political topics run the gamut, including every major issue in the United States. The threads just do not get out of control because of the lack of hysterical fanaticism in the membership.
One may take that however one pleases.
Agreed, Setanta. I rarely get emotionally overwrought by Italian politics, or religious problems of Sweden.
You just get married? I missed something.
Especially when I am Italian or Swedish.
You're missing a point, though, EB. The people at the Irish board to which i referred include a great many Americans and Englishmen. They discuss the same topics which are discussed here. There is, however, a tenor of discussion there which is lacking here. Even though people there may refer to a politician or prominent religious leader as an idiot or a c*nt, it does not start flame wars.
At American sites, you have loonies from Seattle Abuzz or the Freepers showing up to start raving and flaming those with whom they disagree. Equally, you have a great many people, mainly American, Canajun or English--who show up to excoriate the United States as a fascist, militaristic monster. The tone is one of high hysteria and hatred. I don't see that at other sites, in Ireland, in England or in China. (There are quite a lot of interesting boards in China or Chinese-speaking countries such as Singapore or Taiwan--those boys and girls are smart enough to want to learn standard English.)
I do get you, setanta. Here, the hysteria often infects me enough that I have to back down and get myself under control. I don't want to be like that, but it happens anyway.
'K . . . it's in the stereotypic character of my ancestors to love a good fight. Whether or not the stereotype is justified, i reached a point at Afuzz, before this site existed, at which i would not back down from the flame trolls--so although i may have a bad reputation here, i don't regret it. When others are civil to me, i remain civil to them. When others sneer at me, i sneer right back.
Skinny bum.
Parrot lover.
So now we got beastiality, huh?