@old europe,
old europe wrote:
okie wrote:I happen to think everyone should have a specific idea of what constitutes left vs right. If you don't, then how can you even contribute any opinion here? It would be meaningless, as you would have no frame of reference.
Does your personal definition of right-wing politics include the idea that differences in economic wealth and social class should simply be accepted?
If economic wealth is earned, not stolen, sure. If you wish to get into degrees of leveling the playing field, there are certainly gradations of policies that can be evaluated, such as enacting a progressive tax system would be less right wing than having no progression at all, but how progressive it is would determine just where it is on the scale of left vs right, and also a progressive taxing system is certainly is still to the right of outright confiscation of property or nationalization of industries.
Quote:Does it include the idea that a nation is entitled to enforce its borders, to stop immigration by all means necessary?
Here is where we are probably going to disagree because I believe any nation will defend its borders and control immigration, regardless of its manner of governing its own citizens, if it intends upon being a nation at all, so I do not see this as necessarily left or right.
Quote: Does it include the idea that law and order are necessary, and that a strong state is needed to enforce these laws?
Certainly, but there is a difference between the types of laws, those that protect us from each other, or those that protect the power of government. The existence and enforcement of laws do not indicate a left or right philosophy, it is the types of laws and enforcement that do that.
Quote:Does your definition include the idea that a nation is built on a religious foundation, e.g. that Christian values are at the core of what defines America as a nation?
I believe most nations are built upon a type of religious foundation, as any doctrine of right or wrong has a source to it. When I say that, I do not necessarily believe that all beliefs are necessarily known as religious, but they may be, example: atheism or belief in the state, that is as much a religious belief as a Christian, or Hindu, or Islamic belief. Sometimes a religious belief is also mandated by the State, which is a socialistic view of religion, that everyone should believe the same. In the United States, historically the people have believed approximately the same, but it has never been mandated to believe a certain way, it has always been by individual choice, which I believe is conservative or right wing. Forced belief in a religion or the State, forced commonality of thought and religion, I would view that as socialistic.
Quote:Do you think that the heritage and the culture of America should be preserved, that English should be the official language, and that it's a waste of money to print official papers in a multitude of languages?
Yes, I do believe in preservation of some, depending upon issue. A common language makes sense, for government business, but I do not believe it should be forced in private, people are free to do whatever they want to do.
Quote:Does you think that corporations and businesses should receive tax-cuts? Do you think that they alone are the motor of wealth, that they should receive privileges, and that the government should privatize and deregulate markets whenever possible?
It depends upon each issue, but yes I believe the above, in fact I am in favor of eliminating all taxes upon corporations and business, we could go to a retail sales tax if all personal income tax was also eliminated, or simply tax individuals income. I do not believe a tax cut or break is giving anyone anything, it is only letting businesses or people keep that belongs to them, that they earned. Lately however, the government has been giving money to people over and above whatever taxes they paid, so the tax system is now being used as a welfare system, that is a different subject than simply talking about tax rates or tax breakes.
In general, I believe government is less efficient than a private solution to a problem. There are only a limited number of things that only government should appropriately do, and one of those is national defense. Also police protection would be another, to protect our rights between us.