Foxfyre wrote:
I think you're fighting a losing battle here Okie. I know what you're suggesting, but our more liberal friends will never accept or even allow a discussion of it. I think some probably even mean well, but they seem to be unable to focus on or grasp a principle and discuss that at face value. They seem incapable of or at least unwilling to consider any form of abstract thought.
They will continue to insist on discussing vague historical principles apart from the concept or bring in unrelated interpretations or obfusicate with illustrations intended to negate any concept that they can't understand or that doesn't fit with their preconceived notions.
If the information is correct, it is not a losing battle, Foxfyre. I don't have to convince liberals, as we conservatives go into that endeavor knowing that it is virtually impossible. If I believe sound logic is on my side, that is all I care about. And as far as my primary premise here, what produces ruthless dictators, it is obviously generally correct, just as correct as the fact that criminals have dysfunctional childhoods and other factors more often than do non-criminals. And obviously ruthless dictators become a sort of international or political criminals.
Quote:I find the subject you've introduced here interesting and instructive. But I also think it is sufficiently complicated in scope and concept that you are unlikely to find enough people here who understand it or want to understand it enough to discuss it at face value. The sheer complexity of it provides too many directions for the discussion to take.
I think some people want to make it more complicated than it needs to be, Foxfyre. It is really just common sense. And in regard to political systems, ican looks at it much like I do, simple common sense. All y0u have to do is take the word, "social," and the definition tells us all we need to know about what "socialism" is. Essentially, various brands of socialism are various brands of collectivism. Fascism combines some aspects of individualism, as free markets, it combines with socialism by having government take over companies and businesses, or they are in league with them, so it is still leftist in nature. Marxism, or communism, is an extreme form of socialism at the left end of the scale. This does not need to be complicated.
And my contention that leftist idealogies provide more fertile ground for ruthless dictators, yes, I believe that is obviously true, and is supported by the people that we have on record of in history, particularly in the last 100 years.
A conservative or right wing form of government preserves as much individualism, as in individual freedom and responsibility, as is possible to maintain a civil society. The government is to protect us from each other, but we should not have to protect ourselves from the government. Such a political climate requires a moral and responsible citizenry in order to maintain. I believe the United States is the prime example of this form of government, and coincidentally it has become the most successful and strongest nation in the history of the world. No coincidence in my opinion.