hephzibah wrote:queen annie, for years I struggled with the issue of christmas. <snip>I don't celebrate it.
I feel you--I have also struggled with this same issue, for years. This year was not a problem, though--and I don't celebrate it, either--at least not in the way I always had up until the years of struggling with it.
Quote: There are a lot of people in this world.
All created by the same Creator, regardless of name and other details--the only common idea to all of us is LOVE. And God is LOVE--and we all can love--it is a global concept.
Quote: Your idea, from what I gather from the rest of your post is Jesus doesn't speak to the world, but there are those that believe He does. I happen to be one of them.

Actually, that isn't my idea--mine is actually the same as yours. But this came from my observations regarding this issue and more and more problematic between the various groups that still identify themselves as members of a certain group rather than members of the human race.
Quote:I think everyone is unique and priceless in their own way.
I do, too. I see 'proof' of God, and Christ, in every single face I look into-even those that many might deem 'ugly' or 'evil.' I see them as just hurting and wounded--and it is the leaving out of some in favor of the idea of God being an exclusive Savior that I object to, at every opportunity. This is why I do not ever, and have not ever, presented myself as a 'christian' even though all my goals are ultimately rooted in the idea of following Christ's example as well as His footsteps. I also have a sense of what it might mean to blasphemy God's name--make it out to not be truly representative of His true Nature--which is again, LOVE.
However, what I say is not intended as any kind of judgment or criticism of anyone, at all. I know that those who do not yet realize God is our common denominator as human souls, and condemn others for not being of the same mind they are--I know they cannot help it right now--they are truly blind. None of us can avoid the pits that we cannot detect. But we are all brothers, and must care for each other as such.
But if some us can see those hazards, should we not help others to begin to see? As well as those who see differently, but yet see--although are being constantly 'bumped into' and 'ran over' by those who still don't know they cannot see? Even seeing some of the hazards does not mean one sees all the hazards--but others do, and hopefully we can all share what we see and keep one another safe from pits and traps.
Quote:Believing what I believe though I must say that even in the sarcastic tone your words came out in, I believe you what you said is quite accurate.
I sure didn't mean to come off as sounding sarcastic. I also realize that you don't know me, except for probably this post, and maybe some of my others here at A2K. But I haven't posted much, and I have told many times that what I might seem to be, at first, and what I really am, when known, is very different. Not conflicting, though--just more of an enigmatic fashion, maybe. I am extremely blunt, but my esteem for being truthful and doing all things in a manner consistent with my inner self--essentially integrity--is the highest of all my personal 'values.' I don't believe in sparing feelings if such a thing causes greater harm later on.
And so, having said all that---
my words were meant more as a 'wakeup call' or maybe a 'invitation for private contemplation' to those who believe more in the idea of christianity than in the Ideal of Christ...
Sometimes it takes more than a poke or two to stir things up...and it's not always kind to be kind. Sometimes it seems rather rough. I just want to make people think, regardless of what they might think of me, or what I believe. That doesn't matter, in my opinion--I'm not worried about justifying what my mind understands to anyone else, I can't even explain it, anyway. But I do worry about people and about how they feel toward God and how God feels toward them. God loves us all, but hardly anyone feels compelled to make this known, or even investigate the possibility of such a thing. Christians don't suffer for this, but the world in general does, and if it is anyone's 'fault' or 'responsibility' what the world thinks about God and His nature--it is of those who proclaim to know Him that are in that position--and most take that upon themselves, rather than allow God to appoint them, but the results are not beneficial to anyone involved.
IMHO, that is.
Quote:Not that what I believe has any real relevance to this whole issue in reality.

Well, sure it does. So does mine. But then again, you're right--it doesn't. And neither does mine. Do you dig?
I appreciate your comments, though, and I hope I clarified for you where I was coming from, I don't want to make the wrong impression, for whatever reason.