Dont you agree Deb is nice sunbathing?
Don't be ridiculous.
That is a girl in a bunny mask.
What has this monstrosity to do with me?
You mean you're nicer?
I doubt it!
Well, that's the point, innit . . . anyway, you cannot be expected to understant . . .
And, obviously, you are expecting I do disagree. But I do not disagree in terms of final understanding but in terms you using such a pityful technique to make me disagree.
Hence I do disagree with the methods used to ploy..
But that's because you are merely disagreeable . . . you are not capable of disagreeing because of any understanding of the disagreement . . .
...would lead to an agreement? In your dreams....
Mes rêves n'ont pas affair à tes sottises . . .
Mes sottises sont peu de chose comparées à tes élucubrations..
I could not agree less . . . my elucubrations are the least of things, intended at the outset to be obscure and almost meaningless . . . obviously, you do not understand the ends of scholarship . . .
Agreeing with you on the goals of scholarship would be like eating McDo's.. No way.
How foolish . . . nothing can be as pointless and disgusting as eating at Mickey-Dee's . . .
Speaking about pointless, what do you call your try?
An excellent riposte to your feebe effort . . .
Weak parries, and ripostes.