Cover her next birthday?!? Ha, this is the land where all 16 year olds get a new car on their birthday!!! It's only a question of how big or how fast
The idea of driving my 10 year old mini-van is already keeping her awake at night.
I'm leaning toward getting it for her, although the one she wants is out of stock everywhere. I don't know.... I need to sleep on it some more.
Bella, thanks but grandma has already purchased a bunch of gifts as it is. I'm truly the scrooge of the group. It's not that I can't afford it, I don't want to afford it. We see many kids here who can't leave home after college because they aren't willing to go without all the finer luxuries in life and start off on their own with what they can afford. Their parents have always given them everything and they continue to do so, well into their 20s.
But to my daughter, an ipod is what a barbie was to me. Something I could only dream about.