I'll return when the grown-ups are back.
grown-ups, let's see now.
In today's world, would you rather be a
teenager or a grown-up?
Mame wrote:Bouquet!
Do you prefer to watch hockey or figure skating?
Hey shari - did you get my message?
Since I haven't a clue what you are talking about, I'm gonna go with a no.
Happiness or Eternal glory
giving blood or getting vaccinated?
Getting vaccinated.
granny smith or macintosh apples?
Both good for pie...Id say Grannys for eating alone.
You are a person with high standards or willing to settle?
high standards
choice of being a hero or a legend
Aspiring for a better A2K status or dont really care.
Don't really care.
Finger pointer or accepting the blame?
Big time accepting...even when I didnt do it.
Death: Afraid or welcome
Woohoo, heavy stuff.
afraid, if in the next few decades...
flimsy or substantial?
Past or future?
Past, at least is was interesting, the future looks bleak.
Active or passive?
Round and active
ocean or mountain
watching or playing sport
can't decide - how about goodfellowship?
underdone or well cooked?
well cooked
diplomatic or honest?