Cryptic clues
Time Magazine or Readers Digest?
Readers Digest.
Hard copy mail or e-mail?
an e-mail update from a friend or a funny joke
e-mail update from a friend
Windows or Apple systems?
Museum or Art Gallery?
Art Deco or Art Nuevo?
Art Deco
Portrait or Landscape paintings?
Landscape paintings
Oil or Water color?
bikini or no bikini (stupid question)
Ah well, no bikini in my own garden...
five mile run or gym workout?
Politics or general conversation?
General conversation
(Hi Dutch, you ok bud?)
Large or small breasts?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Right wing or Left?
Unless I was considering a revolution, then I would need the support of the masses!
Lady or a slapper?
I don't think violence is the answer, so I choose Lady
Saturday or Sunday?
Saturday, it gives you the opportunity to get a better feeling for Sunday.
East or West?
Mathos, "Saturday, it gives you the opportunity to get a better feeling for Sunday."
(I wish I had written that)
North or South
South (that's where I live, don't I)
Bangers or steak on the BBQ?
Steak every time
Cash or cheque