Swim (can't surf)
Long or short hair?
short hair
natural color or dye job
Natural colour.
Cars or motor cycles?
Car- Manual or Automatic?
Cat or Dog as Pet?
Dog (but don't like concept of keeping pets)
olde worlde or 21st century style?
21st century style
happy and poor or unhappy and rich
Happy and poor
Wearing shoes or barefeet?
Barefoot (except on hot cement)
Tickle or be tickled?
Bus or train journey?
train journey
on an airplane: the window or aisle seat?
Window seat
Short or long flights in an aeroplane?
it all depends on where your destination is
but I prefer short
sorry...forgot to pose my own 'this or that' question
History or Sci-Fi novels?
The book or the movie made from the book
The book (movies are seldom an accurate portrayal)
Television or Radio?
Karaoke or Charades?
karaoke, baby.
sushi or pizza?
Sushi (love Japanese food)
Musicals or Plays
front row or balcony