Sledding down a snowy mountain.
Black suspenders or pastel shades?
Black or red. I like both.
Pizza and a movie at home or dinner and a movie out?
Why not go out? I'm in...
devriesj wrote:Ummmm... that ("Secret Stash")
You movie buff, you!
I know... I love this kind of stuff.
As for another... You be the judge!
spendius wrote:Daft or what?
Computer- desk top OR laptop?
Winter or Spring?
Hot Coffee OR Iced Coffee?
sorry b/f
Both - but I gues I'd better decide on Hot
Rent or buy?
the Aflac duck or the Geico gecko?
the past or the future
Stand up for what you believe in or keep quiet and safe?
Stand up - it is always worth it.
Fluff or marshmallow spread.
Don't know either but I'll plump for fluff to get us going again!
Hats or hatless?
Usually hatless, unless I have a really great one!
(SS, I thought they were the same thing!)
Spring or Fall?
If they're verbs - Spring.
Bunjee jumping or sky diving
sky diving
liqueur or liquor!
Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! Such a dilema! Okay ...
soup or salad?
Wall flower or dancing machine?