Wed 30 Nov, 2005 12:20 pm
I am against intelligent design. I don't believe in a higher power. Our lives are not planned. We try to plan them to seem like we have the control. Really we are all running around like headless chickens hoping that we can stay alive for long enough to understand the meaning of life. The meaning is that there is no meaning. As soon as you relax and realise that, your life becomes much simpler. There is no need to gain control over something that is completely random. Sure there is evolution. But it is still random. It is not planned. It hasn't already decided that we will all have huge feet in a million years. It doesn't know what we will be like. It's all an accident. There is no past. There is no future to plan. All there is is now and you don't know what is going to happen. And that is wonderful. Completely brilliant. There is no intelligent design. It's all an accident.
Edit (Moderator): Link removed
Couple conceptual errors there, IMO - first, "Darwinism" is a meaningless pejoration peculiar to the Creationst/ID-iot crowd, and secondly, nothing about the formation and function of the universe is an "accident"; all proceeds from what amounts, in the scientific perspective, to reasonably well understood and established mechanisms. Little is certain per se, of course, but the contemporary mainstream scientific assessments of the way things are, and why they are that way, score well into the very upper reaches of statistical probability.
Darwinism. Just poking holes in A doesn't prove B. Present proof for B!! If ID advocates want to talk about holes in Darwinism that's fine with me. Criticism might develop a more robust theory! But to say or insinuate the whole theory is wrong -that is a big jump.