au1929 wrote:Stevepax
Having painted a not so pretty but unfortunately true picture off the cliff over which US manufacturing is headed. And of the plight of the American worker. Is there anything that can be done to stop the inexorable slide. Or are we doomed to see this continue until wages worldwide reach equilibrium. And every worker will be living in "mud huts"
I've always held that education is the most important thing in our survival. It pains me that we have this crazy "No Child left Behind" program which is bogus. Not only is it underfunded, it's based on a Texas system (Houston I think) that turned out to have bogus results which were inflated at best. Now we have the entire nation working on it.
If you've been watching the plight of higher (college level) education, it has been reversed back to the fiftie's style opportunity where only the rich can afford it. Many states have watched their state education systems funding disappear. This is probably the most tragic aspect of our present situation.
We have to reverse the outflow of "intelligent jobs" going overseas. We need to get back into a creative, progressive mindset where we are going forward and not in reverse. Being undereducatied will be the ultimate downfall.
We in no way can work cheaper than the third world countries, and we need to realize that things like manufacturing are probably lost to us. The Corporations are not going to build new facilities here where labor costs, social resposibility, regulation, and a plethora of other "negative" aspects are present.
We need to determine the areas in which we are still ahead, or even, and use those to our advantage.
Bottom line, we need to be smarter, and better educated than the rest. We need to be the leaders in innovation and creativity, not spurning sclence and technology advances. The present administration is more interested in old technology and hanging on to the past. They have no desire to improve. I think they fear an educated populace because that would limit their control.
We're pretty screwed right now. I think we have to reinvigorate as a nation and make progress our goal. Education, progress, creativity, innovation, with a profound desire that we truly DON'T leave any child behind. Lip service won't do!!