Thu 24 Nov, 2005 09:32 am
........ALL relegions in the world,though tty to preech that 'god 's one' 'all are equal'.....
its the religion which makes poor ,poorer and rich richer!
The basic pronciples of relegion are pro-bourgoise and anti-proteletarian!
I say opium is the opiate of the masses.
If you could find any . . . and if you could afford it . . .
Oppie was good on the Andy Griffith show.
I thought she was really good in the Color Purple.
About the masses, I opine religion is opiniated...
DOnt opiumate opium!
OPIUM is opium!
The reason so many people eat McDonald's cheeseburgers is because of the sesame seeds on the buns. Everyone recalls the phrase "Opium Sesame."
Joe(it's like dope)Nation
Hemingway had a comment about this somewhere or other. I can't find the exact quote now, but, in essence, he said, what's wrong with opium? Would you operate on a patient without an anesthetic?
Opium: the religion of the elitists?!
organized religion: the opium of the asses.
I'm ready to go anywhere,I'm ready for to fade,
Into my own parade,cast your dancing spell my way.
I promise to go under it.
Best song ever written Philip Larkin said and he was pretty hot stuff.
Mr. Zimmerman is much overrated . . .
Watch it, Set, now you are dissing God.
Joe(everybody must get stoned)Nation
I totally agree with Setanta. A minor talent in a minor key who came on the scene at a uniquely proptitious time for his brand of brand of lyrics. He is revered today mainly by the baby boomers who were teeny bopping hippie wannabes at the time of his glory. Also, easiest artist of all time to parody.
Quote:Mr. Zimmerman is much overrated . .
Quote:I totally agree with Setanta. A minor talent in a minor key who came on the scene at a uniquely proptitious time for his brand of brand of lyrics. He is revered today mainly by the baby boomers who were teeny bopping hippie wannabes at the time of his glory. Also, easiest artist of all time to parody.
I'm sure glad my name ain't signed up to those two pearls.
What would our position to GOD be if the Alexandra Library hadn't burned ?????
We'd've come up with another one, Algis.
Religion: the podium of the classes.
Religion: the oregano of the pastas.
Religion: the opprobrium of the lasses..
Religion: the mopery of the meek-abees.
Religion: the odium of the pastors.
Religion: the envelope of the pastors.
Well, that's a start... I feel another dozen building up..
The Orpheum of the Bastards