If you must know.....
I tried one last year, blew the bugger up, got as giddy as hell but was determined to reap the rewards but, in my over excited state, I managed to puncture the thing, whereupon it let out a large fart and flew out of the window.
Bloody waste of money!
It was probably your zipper, LordE. Next time, try not to get so excited that you forget to remove your pants first.
Was it really necessary to tell us you got all giddy and were in an excited state? Now there's an image I won't soon forget. Shudder...
I did mull over the problem for a while, and came to the conclusion that it was one of the buckles on my lederhosen.
Again, more info than I needed...
As it happens, this pic was taken just after the incident, as my two friends and I were off to the monthly goat shunt, down at the village hall.
Ah yes I heard about the night the goats went berserk...now it is all coming together for me.

Lordy!! What cute knees you have !
Which one is you, LordE? (I'm thinking you're the hatless one...do hope you've given up the ciggies since then.)
Yes....I'm the only one that isn't "stocktaking".
Ciggies?.....I only have the occasional craving for a Havana, nowadays.
Holy crap, my dad invented this idea 15 years ago! Dammit! We never thought anyone would be stupid enough to actually do this.
It was a family joke, making fun of the dopey little handprint things kids make in school, you know, for their parents to look at in 20 years and remember how small their hands were. My parents always thought stuff like that was cheesy because the entire class made the same thing.
So as a spoof, my dad took a ziplock baggie and taped it to a piece of paper and had me inflate it and seal it and copy out a poem he wrote, in big goofy "kid riting" (you know the style I mean). I think I still remember the poem : "Into this bag I heaved a big ol' sigh/ For you to fondly remember me by./ Please do not unseal this baggie/ For if my breath escapes, 'twill get saggy."
Who knew he could've sold the idea.