Hey guys...
My dog has become really agressive. If he does not want to do something he will growl and then attack. he has bitten everyone in the house. It is not like we are trying to get him to do bad things ... a simple off the lounge or in the bath and he will attack.
He was never like this before always very placid and would let you do anything to him. He has not been abused or mistreated we are a home of dog lovers and everyone thinks the world of him.
He has also started peeing on everything he can and it is on purpose as he is let out side for the toilet when ever need be he knows to go to the door and tap when he needs to.
My question is ... HELP what can i do? he is told no and put in the naughty room (bathroom) he he is naughty when we can get him there because he just attacks.
He is an inside dog i dont want to resort to making him outside.
he is 2. yrs odl now.
he is a foxy x silky x king charles spanial x chiaua (spelling?)
this is him... those teeth hurt!