Dek wrote:Why do we need people to starve exactly?
And yes I agree, why can't we just do this now!?!?!
Spiritually and emotionally, we are drowning in insecurity.
Insecurity makes people claw and grab, try to control anything they can. To dominate and "conquer" the environment, even though nature is already very friendly to them. To dominate and control other people, even though we would all be better off as free individuals. To a drowning person, it doesn't matter if you push everyone else under water, as long as you can regain control.
Insecurity creates such an overwhelming need to control.
One solution: meditate.
Realize that insecurity is artificial (a self-induced panic) and that full control is impossible anyways. Let go. Accept things as they are, no matter how they are. Relax. You will be okay. Your actual needs are amazingly small. Everything will be okay. It's perfectly acceptable to just sit and watch, learn and love.
When we spend time sitting with starving people, then suddenly it will occur to us... "Hey, why not just feed them? I would like them to be happy."
But our own bloated insecurity keeps us at home, quivering by the supermarket, clinging and alone.