here is an article from the "scotsman".
opening hours to be restricted to 10 am to 10 pm ?
how are the poor scots going to slake their thirst at breakfast time ? i'm glad to see that " Ministers are to hold an urgent meeting " - what could be more urgent than discussing opening hours ? hbg
Sun 20 Nov 2005
Talks planned on drinks law reform.
Ministers are to hold an urgent meeting with the drinks trade to discuss the outcome of last week's chaotic Holyrood debate on licensing law reform, it has emerged.
The move was disclosed by Executive minister George Lyon, who also said the controversial decision to cut off-sales opening hours might be reversed by ministers - but not until two years after the 2007 Holyrood election.
And the Liberal Democrats may campaign on this in the election, arguing for local bodies to be given the right to set off-licence opening hours, Mr Lyon said.
He told BBC TV's The Politics Show that "a good number" of trade bodies wanted an urgent meeting with the Executive to discuss the debacle.
"I intend to agree to meetings with them to discuss the outcome of Wednesday's vote," said Mr Lyon, deputy minister for finance and public services.
Events at Holyrood on Wednesday have put the Labour-Liberal Democrat coalition under strain and have prompted demands for reforming the way proposed legislation is handled in its final parliamentary stages.
After years of scrutiny and debate, MSPs backed a radical reform of Scotland's licensing laws. But in that process they brought in last-minute changes to the hours off-licences will be allowed to open.
They backed a Labour amendment that will restrict opening hours from 10am to 10pm - two hours shorter than at present.
Mr Lyon told the programme: "There is a provision that gives ministers the power to vary the off-sales time, so that 10am-10pm, which was voted on in Parliament, can be adjusted in the future. The new legislation doesn't come in until 2009, so it will be for the next administration to decide whether it wishes to exercise that power.
"I'm quite clear that consumers and the trade will wish to see it amended."
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Last updated: 20-Nov-05 14:43 GMT