Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 09:57 am
And here it is: http://www.able2know.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=1671683#1671683
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 10:42 am
I just thought of something Sad women will get electrocuted when they go to the beach if they have them. Sad And, if they don't, will the music underwater make bubbles Question *giggles*
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 11:23 am
Natural Born Boogie
Humble Pie

There she is again
Steppin' out of her limousine, well
Looking like the cover of a twenty-dollar magazine
She's got it made and branded
If you know what I mean

She's a...natural born woman
Natural born woman
She's a...she's a natural born woman

There she is again watch her stop the Main Street in its tracks
Looking like Creole queen
Hair hangin' down her back
I say, don't look too long, boy
She'll make your glasses crack

She's a...natural born woman
Natural born woman
She's a...she's a natural born woman

Kinda aums it all up
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 11:46 am
Bounce Your Boobies by Rusty Warren

You know girls, it's great to live in a democracy today, where freedom is
everywhere. But girls, we often take this freedom for granted: freedom of
speech, freedom of thought, and freedom of action. But you know gals, just
because a bunch of men signed that Declaration Of Independence in 1776,
doesn't mean that freedom was for men alone. Oh no, you take Tom Jefferson,
Ben Franklin, John Hancock - he's a helluva guy for you right there! All
these men had wives. They probably had a few broads on the side too. These
women wanted freedom just as much as their men did. But gals, I wonder, do
we? I think it's time that we women thought about it a bit. Hell, I think
it's time we did something about it. So come on, fellow females of the 20th
century! Be glad that you're an American! Proclaim your freedom! Stand at
attention! Pledge Allegiance! And...

Bounce your boobies, get into the swing.
Bounce your boobies, the swing is everything.
Makes no difference if they're big or small,
As long as you - ooh! - give 'em your all.

Bounce your boobies.
Come on, honey, bounce 'em up and down.
Bounce your boobies.
Come on, bounce your boobies, honey. Come on.

Loosen the bra that binds you!
Take it off if you feel like it!
Come on, bounce your boobies.
Here we go. Doesn't that feel good?
Bounce your boobies.

You know girls, men aren't the only people in the world today that have
something to give, but it sure looks like it sometimes. Just look around
you - men stick out all over the place. Big fat cigars. Big fat stomachs.
And just where they should stick out - phhbtt! - where is it?!

Yes, girls, we know what we've got, and we know what they're worth. So come
on, gals, let's get into the swing of things. Give your boobies some
freedom! All together now!

Bounce your boobies, let 'em rock 'n' roll.
Nudge your knockers, keep 'em hot and so.
Just admit it, gals, it sure feels great
To feel them swingin', ooh, titilate!

Bounce your boobies.
Come on, bounce 'em up and down, honey.
Bounce your boobies.
There, look at that gal, she's goin' at it.
Bounce your boobies.
Oh, doesn't that feel good?
Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce,
Bounce your boobies now!

Bounce your boobies everybody!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2005 11:51 am
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 02:41 pm
Lord Ellpus wrote:
AAH! Another world enhancing idea from us Brits!.........

If this comes to fruition, which song or songs would you like to see on the playlist?


"Breast enhancements need not only be about looks and sex appeal. They could soon have a functional purpose too.

A company is currently developing a microchip that stores music files and can be built into a breast implant, the Sun reports.

BT Futurology apparently intend on developing a musical double act for the bosoms, which would see an MP3 player installed in one mammary, and music files in the other.

The whole ensemble could then be managed via Bluetooth wireless technology.

Company analyst Ian Pearson said: "It is now very hard for me to think of breast implants as just decorative.

"If a woman has something implanted permanently, it might as well do something useful."..................


THAT IS JUST WEIRD!!!!! Confused
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 04:07 pm
A Sight For Sore Eyes ------ Tom Waits
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 04:14 pm
Spanish Bombs ----- The Clash

Kola Kola ------ The Clash

Strange Brew ==== Cream
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 04:27 pm
Hello John, I was delighted to see you. It was just happenstance as I reviewed the topics's you happened to be the last one to post on the Breast thread. For those of you who don't have them (boobs that can bounce) I'm here to tell you that it doesn't feel very good and I always worried that the damn things would rip right off my chest. For the life of me I can't understand why a woman would want to increase her chest size. It's hard to find anything other than a sweater to wear, blouses need to be pinned to avoid gapping spots, and you can't jump rope.

On an entirely different subject and this is for John, my beloved Springer is almost 14 years old. She can't hear very much and we think she has trouble seeing in the dark. We came to this conclusion after she wandered around the bed looking for the perfect spot and landed on the floor with a thud. You have to give it to Springers, another breed might sit on the floor trying to figure out who pushed her, but Chloe just bounces back ready to try again. She still flings herself in the air when I come home, but she no longer can bounce up to my face, it's more like chest level and I'm 5'6. These dogs are irrepressible. Always in good spirits until you leave the house, then they just run from window to window. In her case I doubt if she can see the car coming any longer, but that doesn't stop her from looking.

Good to see you.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 04:42 pm
Hi G.B,,,,, how you doin over there ? Boobs are a wonder, I am amazed how sports women cope with the bounce facter as they hurtle round a running track or criss cross a tennis courts. There is an old saying --- the best things come in small parcels.

Your springer clings on and shows a level of loyalty and independance that is to be admired. We still think of our springer, Freddie, quite often. I think Christmas was his favorite time. All that cooked meat in the house. Ham, chicken, pork and all the sweet stuff. We sometimes get an aerosol can of cream & when you squirt it, it has a distinct sound and Freddie would be at your feet oozing anticipation from his tastebuds. Gone but not forgotten
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 05:00 pm
Yeah boobs are great.....but they are screwing up my golf game. I need to find some sort of athletic flattener which will allow me to swing with a straight arm.

I know what you mean about the whipped cream cans. Chloe (when she is awake) watches me constantly and if I go into the kitchen to get ice she bounds right in. The reason????? The drinks are in the same cabinet as the dog cookies. When she runs in she always looks around the island into the family room. She is waiting for Sadie to arrive. Sadie is usually the last one in when the ice cubes are clinking into glasses. She couldn't make it at all when she was recovering from back surgery, and while she was in the hospital, Chloe still looked around the island waiting for Sadie.
Sadie is not a Springer, she is a Vizsla, but the dogs don't notice the difference.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 05:43 pm
I've never played golf, tho I watch it on tv from time to time. Of course men can have a bounce/jiggle factor if they don't have the correct element twixt outrage & modesty. Tis a problem, still,,, c'est la vie.

I'd like to get another dog but it's not realistic these days cos of my health problems. Still, I can derive pleasure from other people's dogs
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 06:29 pm
I suppose that's true, but I've never seen a man swing a golf club with any thing other than their hands and arms. But maybe they do it differently abroad.

As far as dogs go, have you considered an older dog? Sometimes perfectly good dogs go without homes because somebody can't care for them or doesn't understand that dogs are dogs, not furry people who understand all the rules without being trained. I don't know if there are a lot of dogs looking for homes in the UK, you folks seem to be much more responsible about dog ownership and training. But you know your situation better than I do, and if you think it would be taxing on your health, you shouldn't do it. Wouldn't be fair to you or the dog.

I had an illness that I recovered from almost 3 years ago. The dogs were so sweet with me. On bad days they just kept a watch and on good days they made me go out and romp. Animals are amazing to me, I hope I never have to be without a furry companion (I'm talking about the kind that bark and chase squirrels and deer).

Hope this finds you in good spirits, all the best, glitterbag and her little pack of canines
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 06:36 pm
Thankyou GB, where would we be without our animals ?????????????

Now since it's 12-45am here, I shall retire for the night. See you aain GB
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 06:46 pm
This is getting Silly.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2006 06:48 pm
Little insulting isn't it to be judged by a smoking rabbit? Just kidding, do you have musical breasts?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Jan, 2006 01:23 am
My two favorite things together at last.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Jan, 2006 04:59 pm
Amigo wrote:
My two favorite things together at last.

LMAO, in fact, i'll join you, my fav things together for the first time, when you put your head in womens breasts you'll have a reason for it, lol Laughing
0 Replies
Lord Ellpus
Reply Tue 10 Jan, 2006 05:01 pm
Amigo wrote:
My two favorite things together at last.

My THREE favourite things together at last.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2006 07:02 am
music-lover wrote:
... when you put your head in womens breasts you'll have a reason for it, lol Laughing

You need a reason, ML. Confused

I've always considered that such a proposition had stand alone merit. Smile
0 Replies

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