Fri 11 Nov, 2005 09:53 am
An ultraright-wing, anti-homosexual church group will protest today's funeral of Army Pfc. Tyler Ryan MacKenzie, the Evans soldier who was killed in Iraq last week.
Although MacKenzie was not gay, the church members will be protesting that he died for America, and that America supports homosexuals.At other funerals for soldiers killed in Iraq, the Topeka, Kan., church group carried signs that stated the soldier deserved to die because of his support of America.
When MacKenzie's grandfather, Emmett MacKenzie, learned of
the protesters Wednesday, he said, "But you know, they have that right. That's why Tyler gave his life."
This is absolutely the most knuckleheaded, misguided nonsense I have ever heard of.
I'd like to go to that protest and count all of the gluttons.
Right on to Tyler's grandfather, though! He has got it just exactly right.
Sheesh, and this isn't the first funeral that's been protested at.
Their reasoning is bizarre.
Robertson is doing a pretty good job burnishing his own image.
Pat Robertson Warns Pa. Town of Disaster
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (AP) - Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson warned residents of a rural Pennsylvania town Thursday that disaster may strike there because they ``voted God out of your city'' by ousting school board members who favored teaching intelligent design.
`I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover: If there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God. You just rejected him from your city,'' Robertson said on the Christian Broadcasting Network's ``700 Club.''
Another group associated with Fred Phelps and the Westboro Church. Do these things only happen in the U.S.? Every time I read or hear of such nonsense, it seems that the name Fred Phelps comes into it someplace. I am not used to such oddities up here.
gimme a break, your whole country is odd. Whoelse would have a beaver as a symbol? or the national food a grilled cheese sammich.
farmerman wrote:gimme a break, your whole country is odd. Whoelse would have a beaver as a symbol? or the national food a grilled cheese sammich.
Your poor breeding is showing, he who has a avatar of a drunken soldier. It seems that your arrogance is only surpassed by your lack of knowledge on the food tastes of Canadians.
You got something against beavers, farmerman?
If that is your real name.
(Said the girl from the beaver state.)
I am personally appalled that anyone would do such a thing. I admire Mackenzie's grandfather. It takes real strength of character to overcome something like this. What a man.
He's not drunk.... he has piles.