Thu 10 Nov, 2005 04:23 pm
Quote:November 10, 2005
Canvassers confirm win for Sessions
Student holds on with slim two-vote margin
Tom Kondilas, Staff WriterWriter
The "18-year-old high school student" as one voter wrote in, will be certified as the winner of the Hillsdale mayoral race. But it's close.
The official count for the mayoral race had write-in candidate Michael Ses-sions eking out a 670-668 win over incumbent Doug Ingles. Sessions' lead dwindled from the 64-vote margin that was unofficially announced Tuesday night.
The drastic change in the count is largely due to the nature of Sessions' write-in candidacy and the electronic voting machines used to tabulate the votes.
The voting machines counted any ballots that had the write-in bubble filled for Michael Sessions because he was the only official write-in candidate. That means that even stray marks could have counted for Ses-sions the first time through.
The County Board of Canvas-sers had the job of officially interpreting which votes to count for Sessions and which to eliminate. By law, any vote that the board believed was in-tended for Sessions must count for him. The question be-comes an interpretation of intent.
Among the variations of spellings, the board decided that one person who wrote in "18-year-old high school student," did intend to vote for Sessions, but that a voter who wrote in "anybody else," did not.
"Everybody's trying to do their very best job," said County Clerk Tom Mohr. "The only way the ballots are going to be looked at is if there's a recount." That seems imminent because of how close the vote is.
The Hillsdale Daily News
I heard this this morning on the way into work after being pushed over with a feather at the news that Kwame Kilpatrick has been re-elected as Detroit mayor.
Back in the late '60s, the then-very-little town of Sunol, California once elected a Labrador Retriever named Bo mayor. The town having declined all but terminally since its heyday in the '20s,'30s, and '40s, when it had been a rail junction and central to an area popular for use in the filming of "B" Westerns, there was little interest on the part of anyone re running for the at-the-time essentially un-essential office, and some thought was given to abolishing the post.
Bo's tavern-owning human, or perhaps some other tavern patron (the details are lost in the mists of time), one evening "nominated" him as a write-in candidate, a tongue-in-cheek, spur-of-the-moment lark, more or less. Naturally, as so often happens with such things, the idea took hold, with flyers and posters and buttons and all that.
The tavern became Bo's campaign headquarters, and regular "Campaign Rallies" were held on Wednesday evenings - in conjunction with the tavern's long-traditional open-pooltable and 10¢ tap beer night (this was a long time ago, remember). Bo's chief campaign tactic had been to wander about the town's tiny business district, greeting passers-by with tailwags and freindly sniffs, while soliciting edible campaign contributions. Other times, Bo could be found at his campaign headquarters, graciously accepting donations and headpats when not otherwise occupied, such as sleeping under the pooltable.
The effort and method paid off handsomely for Bo, who proved to be an able, popular politician. Elected in a landslide - something like 16-to-nothing (the town was tiny, remember) - he was re-elected twice, unopposed, and served honorably untill his death from old age early in his third term. His funeral was quite an affair.
The town, remote from the big cities and the paved wastelands of the sprawling, closer-in suburbs, but located quite conveniently to the freeway grid which inevitably ententacled the region, has grown hugely since those halcyon days, developing into one of those trendy "Bedroom Community" deals, replete with cutesy "Shoppes" and big, heavilly wooded building lots occupied by conspicuous-consumption-style mansionettes. As would be expected, Sunol has fallen back to resorting to mere humans as mayors. Taxes have gone up accordingly.
What an excellent story, timberlandko!
It would be interesting to see if the 18 year old could out-preform the dog! (This is, of course, keeping in mind that the citizens were happy enough with the dog to re-elect him several times.)
First thing he's going to do: make sure Taco Bell is open until 4am.