Thu 10 Apr, 2003 01:14 pm
While doing some research in Abuzz for a puzzle solution, I came across two interesting items. I don't think the people who posted them there would mind if I shared them here.
The first was a brain teaser which I already posted under the title "A wartime brain teaser."
Here is the second. It was submitted over at Abuzz by Geerla.
Can anyone identify the matador -- the one on the left -- in the linked picture?
Has to be little Dick Hertz
<gotta save my "nutless matador in his honeymoon" joke for later>
How about, "Thank you Lord, it's saved"
Excellent suggestions all.
I hope you all enjoyed that picture as much as I did. I damn near choked laughing.
Explore that site. It is a doozey! Some really funny stuff there.