Wed 2 Nov, 2005 10:23 pm
After some serious research, and thoughts about doing my graduate research in North African Colonial History, I am seriously considering going to Morocco for a semester to an anglophone university in Ifrane called Al Alakawayn University to take courses in Arabic and North African Studies that just arent offered at my University. I also think just living in the culture would be a good learning experience and would help me to solidify my decisions about whether or not this is something I am passionate about. Does anyone have any advice for spending time in North Africa (if I decide to go) because I realize it could be difficult, and even dangerous at times with the Fundamental Islamic groups on the rise.
I say go. I'm sure that somewhere in Morocco there are fundamental islamists, but most Moroccans are just trying to have better lives and are very generous to foreigners. Ifrane is beautiful and the only place in Morocco that ever gets snow. It's a lot different from the rest of the country. Once you're there and have made friends, you should take a look around some other areas of the country. It's very interesting and rapidly changing. I think you will be pleasantly surprised by what you find there.