Wed 9 Apr, 2003 09:29 am
I guess we really have liberated Baghdad anyhow.....this reminds me of Los Angeles....
Looks like the Iraqis are well on the air way toward Western-style society. This is very encouraging...
Is this a surprise (aside from the fact that people apparently aren't afraid to go outside)? Peoples are peoples, wherever they live...
I just hope after everything settles down, that the Iraqis actually end up with more freedoms and opportunities to improve their lives. They are the only ones able to decide whether all the costs of this war was worth the results, because they paid with the most lives. c.i.
well put, c.i. i've been against it all along, but i do hope i'm proven wrong (for once ;-) )
patiodog I feel exactly the same way.
Why do I keep thinking of the line from Bobby McGhee -
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"