Momma Angel wrote:
Normally, I wouldn't post in this thread, but a statement you made intrigues me. Can you explain the "Clearly you don't understand the nature of the God you pray to!!" statement?
I ask because if I am reading this correctly, you are not Christian(?) and quite a few of those that are not Christian have a view of God as murderous, etc. Would you mind elaborating on that statement? I am very interested in your response.
the christian God as i understand it is omnipotent, omniscient omnibenevolent... the greatest being..etc
as far as i know christians believe that God decides who goes to heaven- be it through his grace or whatever...
now humans can only understand the terms omnipotent... etc in a limited sense.
is this person trying to say that they know how God works how he thinks etc for then he would be disregarding God as omnipotent omniscient omnibenevolent...
God is omniscient- he knows all- he knows each human individual and knows whether they are good or not- Jesus taught about forgivness and lov..etc i know many people who are not christians who follow the teachings of Jesus much more precisely than those call themselves christian.
how would god be just if he punished them and not the others?
how can anyone be 100% sure that they will get into heaven be they christian or not- even if it is the christian heaven- to believe in such things is going against the very nature of God.