Sun 6 Apr, 2003 03:38 pm
This is the reverse of the "Were you once a Christian topic?"
Why did you switch from the religion you believed in originally, and what was the religion you originally practiced.
I guess, if facts be told, I never was a christian. It's only because our mother converted to christianity that all of us were 'forced' to attend a christian church. Never cared for their teachings, nor understood most of it. If we are forced into something, I don't think we can assume we are a christian just because we attended the church for some years. c.i.
I once attempted to become a Christian, but it never 'took'.
Maybe you should try again :wink:
i was never a christian and nothing has changed
There are enough christians out there trying to convert nonchristians. "Trying again" is an oxymoron. We have no choice, because we are bombarded with it on a daily basis - most often by this president. c.i.
If at first you did not succeed, you should be thankful.
<sigh>....Well whatever path you took, I hope it's the right one
Whatever path he took is "always" the right one - for him.

I am 'spiritually' secure, thank you. Couldn't be more content with where I am.
I have never been a Christian and will not become one- The comment that edgarblythe "should try again" speaks of a lack of trust inanyone who is not interested in Christianity. The attempt to convert is offensive, and generally says more about the converter than it does about the "wayward."
The attempt to convert is offensive
and pervasive in everyday life in the land of the free

i can attend no respect to others that can not respect my personal beliefs
Which religion are you then??
In the beginning there was a stable star and a lifeless planet. life began and science is beginning to tell us how. before that is in question-after that remains to be seen.
it's none of your business what my religion is, you may chalk me up as a heathen.
Neptune is the one true god.....
but, I have a N is a O T G flyer.....
I confess that I am a horrid example of free thought - an atheist.