Well everyone I'm not in Pakistan and I must say this is interesting. Several times a day you hear loud speakers playing prayers. We have been working quite hard to provide help to the people in Kashmir area but it is tough. The people are in bad shape and at times it is hard to provide help. I haven't flown on any mission but several of my friends have and they say the people bum rush the Chinooks when they land and just tear supplies and food off the bird. They try to board and don't even know when we are leaving. We end up having to push people off other wise we would never get off the ground. I hope to fly in the next few days but we will see how much work I have to do before I get to have "fun". The hours have been on and off with more on then off but we are keeping them going regardless. Robbing Peter to pay Paul you could say. Most of the days are slow because the helicopters are off on missions but when the night falls we get really busy. Parts to fix and inspections to perform. I would say that I work a total of about 12-14 hrs a day. The food isn't so bad but Pakistan people don't do french fries quite like we do them in the states. God bless them though they try hard and are very happy to have the help.
Well I have been gone from home for over a month now and I really miss my family. I also miss the verbal war that takes place here. I have told several of my fellow soldiers about this place and we might even pick up some new members when all of this is over.
If any of you have questions please feel free to ask. I can't get very specific but I would like to have conservation on a better level then just good luck and keep your head down. Hope things are well and everyone keep up the prayers no matter who you pray to. Even the heathens are welcome

. Write to you all soon.
SPC. Toney