Wed 21 Sep, 2005 07:50 pm
Well to all here at A2K I will be here in a very limited capacity for the next few months due to my pending deployment to Afghanistan. Today was my last day as the Cable guy like Bear likes to call me and starting on the 1st of Oct I will be a full time soldier so Bear please address me properly from now on.
I will be home for the next week but will be doing very little posting due to the fact that most of my posting takes place at work not from home. After leaving CO I'm off to Kansas and then to Oklahoma for my mobilization site. I will try and keep you all updated as often as I can but just so you all don't get hurt I will be thinking of posting here only in after thoughts seeing as how I do have to contact the family more often.
I will miss the daily head banging in fits of frustration.
Updates will be upcoming and I will try to post some pics every now and then so that you all get the real news from there.
Toney D.
SPC US Army Reserve
P.S. For those of you who would like to have my address (email or snail) then IM me and I will provide the info once I get it.
OBL hunting? Cool :wink:
Best wishes, baldimo
Hold your dominion.
As I have mentioned on another post, if you ever get a suprise package of beef jerky, moist towelettes, and sanitary sundries etc. it might just be from me.
Keep your head down, and come home safely.
Best of luck to you, soldier.
Thank you, Baldimo, for all that you do. Be safe and know we are with you....
Yeah, send your Afghani address and I'll send some goodies along, too. Be sure to note any restricted items.
I'll pm my email
roger wrote:Yeah, send your Afghani address and I'll send some goodies along, too. Be sure to note any restricted items.
I'll pm my email
As far as I know the only restricted items are porn, alcohol and weapons.
What about about Miss Chrissee's Delightful Brownies?
Good luck and thanks for your service.
Keep your head down and stay safe.
Good luck, Baldimo.
Come back safely.
Take care of business & yourself
You take care of yourself Baldie.
Cheers and stay safe. Don't be a hero!
Unless, yaknow, you get the chance
You know my opinion: I want all of America's soldiers to come home safely and quickly. Good luck, Baldimo.
Here's an update for everyone.
Well I'm here in Kansas for the next few days and they put us up in a hotel instead of barracks due to the fact were we are doesn't have any barracks. We should be here for only a week and then it's off to Ft. Sill in OK.
It was quite a long day which stated about 0430 with a wake up. My wife and kids then dropped me off at the airport at around 0630. They didn't come in with me because we both agree that long good byes are not really worth the time, they such and don't help any one really feel better.
We left Colorado Springs around 0930 and flew to Denver. We then took a second flight from Denver to Kansas City. We got to the hotel some time about 1630 (430) and then ate some chow. After that we just kind of laid around in our rooms played some Xbox and watched TV. Tomorrow we start doing duty type stuff.
Standby for more updates.
SPC Toney.
Journeys and single steps.
Hold your dominion.