Thu 6 Oct, 2005 05:22 pm
Hi, I just recently was introduced to marijuana and am looking to get my own pipe, however i was wondering how to properly pack a bowl? any info would be very helpful, thanks.
if you are asking that, then you are not old enough to smoke
Do you know there is a strong link between smoking pot and developing brain cancer later in life?
Re: how to properly pack a bowl?
chocolate jim wrote: i was wondering how to properly pack a bowl?
I usually wrap it in newspaper before placing it in the box. That way the newspaper absorbs any shocks that may occur during the transporting of the bowl.
I didn't know there was a right and a wrong way to pack a bowl.
Stuff pot in bowl. Flick bic. Inhale.
Am I missing something? Do you need me to explain inhaling now too?
You bubble it through water as well which stops the useless stuff aggravating your throat.
Just break it up, don't cram too much in, don't pack it too tight.
Get a smoke screen with your pipe so you're not eating it.
screen with pipe so you're not eating MOLTEN SPARKS OF POT. Not just 'it'.
Just roll it or use a pipe or a bong. Dont even start with the bowl.
The proper way to pack a bowel is to stuff one's self with whole grain bread, a pint of milk and three pounds of marshmallows.
how to pack a bowl.
Ok... good question... there really is no wrong way to pack a bowl. However, you will get a better smoke if you remove the seeds and stems. I set the stems aside, sometimes they can be useful later, the stems do contain some THC (the active ingredient in marijuana). If you'd like you can either save the seeds if you plan on growing later, if not then you can just throw them away. I know some ppl who don't care and smoke the seeds as well. However, i find that smoking seeds gives me headaches. If you want you can break up the bud into smaller pieces and pack the bowl that way, packing the bowl with smaller pieces helps you corner your burn better (lighting the edge of the bowl, as the not scorch the entire layer of weed, this is a good thing if you are in a smoking circle, that way more trips can go around without having to repack the bowl.) If you break it up into small pieces, I would recommend buying a smoke screen, be weary of using regular screens that you find around your house, as some are chemically treated and not good to smoke . Glass screens are made for pipes, however they are SUPER easy to lose and can be more expensive than a pack of smoke screens. If you do not have a screen available then you can try to make one out of any stems you have lying around, the idea is just to prevent any weed (or shake) from falling into the hole on the bottom of the bowl, otherwise you will get an unpleasant surprise of weed chunks or ash on your next inhale. Now, If you are smoking in a circle then the rule generally (at least with my group of friends) is that he who packs the bowl gets the first hit, no matter whose weed it is (unless otherwise offered). However, if you are in a circle and someone cashes (or finishes the bowl) before the circle is complete, hand it back to the person packing, and they pack another bowl, but make sure it goes to the person who did not get a hit before you take one. If you are taking the green hit (or very first hit of the bowl) do not burn all the weed, light it from an angle as to allow the next person to also get some green instead of burned weed. Also... i avoid lighting with a zippo as much as possible, they can be hard to light upside down, and you get an aftertaste of zippo fuel. If you are smoking alone you can pack the bowl however you like. When u break up weed, i break it up over a piece of paper then i remove the stems and seeds and fold the paper in half and then i pour the weed in to the bowl with the folded paper. Any questions, feel free to ask.
You guys allow these kind of threads on these boards

Hey! Watch your language, ginguh. There might be kids watching.
Only a stoner would revive a two year old thread.
AND try to sound technical about it
gosh i miss weed..
ginguh wrote:Wtf???
You guys allow these kind of threads on these boards

"These kinds of threads?" Well, this is Able2Know and you should be able to know how to pack a bowl properly, shouldn't you? I mean, it's only fair.
What if people ran around packing bowls improperly? Then what? Mass hysteria. Unpacked bowls everywhere. Pot just hanging out all loosely in bowls not being smoked.
It's a scary, scary thought...