Sun 2 Oct, 2005 10:46 am
Corruption of human beings is inevitable in this world
Like the corrosion of metals, unless the root is cut here
The corruption tree will not dry and die forever.
What is the root? You say, the root is attraction to wealth.
That is not the actual root, the actual root is attraction
To one's own family members, especially the children.
There are three strong bonds in this world and they are
Bonds with money, wife and children, they are called as
Eeshanas, which are the strong steel chains, which steel
The human being and immerse immensely in the hell.
The final bond is attachment to this external gross body.
Therefore if the bonds with body, wife and children are cut
The bond with money vanishes immediately in this world.
Now a question comes, "why should we cut these bonds?
We are not interested in the justice of this society."
Now you may say " If you are doing injustice, you will
Go to hell." Now he replies, " We do not see the hell,
The bonds with our family and body are very strong
We are unable to cut the bonds for the fear of unseen hell".
Now you will say " The courts will catch and punish you"
He replies " I have a strong advocate with me and so
I know how to escape the law", thus there is no end.
There is no solution through the courts and the hell.
Thus the problem is evergreen in all the ways in this point.
The Lord continuously is punishing these human beings.
What is the use? The tail of the dog is naturally curved.
The human incarnation comes and cleans the world,
By the time he reaches His permanent abode, He sees
The original situation which had momentary control.
As soon as the teacher walks out of the classroom,
The indiscipline noise starts in a fraction of second.
Another problem complicates the whole situation.
No body is good forever and no body is bad forever.
A person is good in one time and is bad in another time.
The inconsistent nature of the human being confuses.
Therefore the Lord stopped the process of punishment
After the incarnation of Lord Krishna on this earth.
He came as Jesus and Buddha to preach knowledge only.
Kalki the final incarnation with a sword in hand indicates
The preacher who cuts the heads, which represent
The rigid conservative decisions present in the heads.
Krishna and Mohammed preached and also killed evils.
Preaching about Pravrutti is completely useless.
In Pravrutti justice and punishment of injustice
By the Government here and by the hell there are told.
Pravrutti is ineffective in the present times especially.
Therefore only the knowledge of Nivrutti can solve this.
When God comes in human form, you must please Him
By showing complete and sole attachment to Him.
Such bond to God will cut the bonds of the world.
Cutting the worldly bonds is the salvation.
Bond with God is pleasing the God.
When the salvation is obtained, justice is established,
Because when the family bonds are cut no corruption.
Then the injustice is very much controlled.
But salvation is not just for establishing the justice.
It is for strengthening the bond with the Lord.
To please Him, and He is pleased only with single bond.
Krishna told that single bond only would please Him.
In Gita He says this " Eka Bhaktih Visishyate"
Jesus also told that you should leave all your family,
Wealth and even life for His sake to become dear to Him.
Thus establishment of justice is an automatic and
Natural consequence of Nivrutti only, which means
That the spiritual knowledge alone can solve both issues.
That is establishment of justice and also pleasing the Lord.
If Nivrutti is established in this world, there is no need
For separate establishment of justice in Pravrutti.
In Gita Krishna says that He has come to establish justice.
Then he should speak about the rules of ethics and hell only
But He did not speak about justice, He spoke only
About Nivrutti through out the Bhagavat Gita.
Because He knows that only Nivrutti can establish
The justice also forever in this world.
Jesus also spoke about Nivrutti in the Bible
Along with the rules of ethics and about the hell.
Once you understand the reality of these bonds,
Justice in this world is established without any effort,
Also that forms the salvation, which is the basis
To please the Lord, which is ultimate goal of Nivrutti.
Sankara analyzed these family bonds and showed
That they are not only temporary but also unreal.
That which does not exist before and after is temporary.
That which is not before and after does not exist
Even during the present, therefore temporary means unreal.
Veda says that these family bonds are selfish only.
The wife loves the husband because the husband
Gives her happiness, he is instrument to achieve happiness
If the husband tortures her, she goes for diverse
All the family bonds are thus for the selfish- happiness
Veda says the same "Atmanah Kamaya..".
Thus propagation of spiritual divine knowledge alone
Can establish the justice here and solve your problem.
Simultaneously it pleases God, which is the final goal.
Thus there is no Pravrutti without Nivrutti because
Pravrutti can stand forever on the Nivrutti foundation.
Nivrutti is this special divine knowledge of the Lord.
Therefore, my dear devotees! Come fast and cater
This special divine knowledge cooked by Me.
This is meant for every body for the sake of Pravrutti
And is meant for spiritual aspirants also to reach the goal.
This special knowledge is like one bullet shot and
Both birds, Pravrutti and Nivrutti are shot together.
If you truly want to improve the world, first improve yourself.
You are given a garden to cultivate. Parts of the garden have deep, rich and dark soil that will grow almost any crop. Often those fertile patches are in the midst of rocks and and boulders, or lie under the fallen trunks of dead trees. A certain part of the ground is taken by bushes of wild berries that are delightful and sweet. All that is needed to transform your gift into a garden are at hand, but you must take them up and use them.
Your garden and its requirements will change from season to season. If you neglect to do those things appropriate to the season, your crops will not prosper as they should. To is too late to plant seeds as the first snows descend. You can not effectively harvest a crop in the Spring that will ripen in the Autumn. Even within the seasons there will be weather changes that are beyond your ability to predict, or control. A few people will be devastated by tornado-like winds, and a few will pass through an entire season with perfect weather. The weather for most will sometimes be good, and sometimes present problems. Timing is important, and patience. We have to accept what we can not control, but by careful planning and prudent action we can weather almost any storm.
In the Springtime when the sun is shining, but not yet hot, it is tempting to spend your time at leisure. There are plenty of juicy berries to eat, and it is pleasant to lie in fields of flowers making pictures of the clouds that drift by. If you don't plant the proper seeds, then the rest of the year might make your life very difficult. In the long hot days of Summer, you will want to seek the shade to escape the sweating sun. Neglect your fields and they will quickly fill with weeds that choke out the wheat. The miche cow must be milked, or you will not have cheese. Autumn is the time of harvest, will you have a bountiful crop to see you through the long, dark and cold days of Winter?
The improvident, the idealist farmers will spend much of their time looking at the horizon, yet they fail to look down at their feet. They will lean on their fences and gaze upon their neighbors farm passing quick judgement on their methods and crops. Should they not instead be considering the needs of their own garden? These farmers always seem to know what should be grown in other fields, but have they themselves planted wisely? They are a font of knowledge about how and when their neighbors feels should be plowed. They cluck their tongues when misfortune strikes others, though they may be the first to offer aide. Their charity is often given with doubtful sincerity as they think, "if only they had followed my advice". Will the farmer even have surplus to share if he has spent all his time and energy "working other people's plots"? Seeing a rich harvest grown up, they count their neighbor as only lucky. Those whose farms are more bountiful than this sort of farmer must have cheated in someway. All the while, while valuable time and effort is lost.
Any farmer or gardner can tell you that weeds spring up quickly and that they will choke out the plants that were so hopefully set out. We must be diligent or our fertile grounds will be barren. We must clear away the stumps of past failures, clear the rocky ground that might break our plow. We must be up before the sun rises and labor long after the first stars appear, if we want to prosper. Shelter must be constructed against inclement weather, and storehouses filled with grain. We must fertilize those areas of our ground that they might become fertile in the future. We must learn from our failures and expand upon our successes. No one can do that for you. You must work your garden yourself, though help may occasionally come your way.
In these ways you will build over many years a prosperous farm. Your crops will be large and rich. The garden will be well ordered, and filled with fruits. The plowed rows of all of your fields will be free of weeds and producing appropriate crops for all the seasons so that your storehouses will be filled to bursting. You will be comfortable in all seasons.
But how will the world be made better? Only if your garden produces surpluses can you feed those unfortunate enough to have been destroyed by a chance storm. If your farm is neglected, it will not even feed your family. The state of your fields are more instructive than advice. Other's will imitate and improve their own plots of ground based on what they see more readily than they will open their ears to unsolicited advice.
Master Kung, known in the West as Confucius, said in the Analectics (and I'm only paraphrasing here) that the superior man puts his life in order and lives it well. In this way he and his family will prosper, and will provide the foundations for a prosperous village. One village serves as an example to others, and so whole regions may improve their lot. Well ordered regions and provinces combined make for a peaceful kingdom free of famine, flood, and unrest. Such kingdoms may lead the barbarians to civilization, and establish a world of harmony and contentment. It all starts with an individual working to improve themselves, to free themselves from selfish envy, greed, anger, and unbridled lusts. Each of us has certain potentialities, but those potentials will go unfulfilled if not constantly worked at. Success is hard, failure is easy, and far too often we take the apparently easy path to suffering rather than the more difficult task of reducing and eliminating our own faults.