
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2005 01:59 am

The Hour Glass
by Ben  Jonson

Consider this small dust, here in the glass,
By atoms moved:
Could you believe that this the body was
Of one that loved;
And in his mistress' flame playing like a fly,
Was turned to cinders by her eye:
Yes; and in death, as life unblessed,
To have it expressed,
Even ashes of lovers find no rest.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2005 02:02 am

Young and Old
by Charles  Kingsely

When all the world is young, lad,
And all the trees are green
And every goose a swan, lad,
And every lass a queen;
Then hey for boot and horse, lad,
And 'round the world away
Young blood must have its course, lad,
And every dog his day.

When all the world is old, lad,
And all the trees are brown
And all the sport is stale, lad,
And all the wheels run down
Creep home and take your place there
The spent and maimed among
God grant you find one face there
You loved when all was young.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Oct, 2005 04:40 am

Noche de amor en tres cantos


¡ Cómo suena en mi alma la idea de una noche completa en
tus brazos diluyéndome toda en caricias mientras
tú te me das extasiado !
¡ Qué infinito el temblor de miradas que vvendrá en la
emoción del abrazo, y qué tierno el coloquio de besos
que tendré estremecida en tus labios !
¡ Cómo sueño las horas azules que me esperan tendida
a tu lado,sin más luz que la luz de tus ojos,
sin más lecho que aquel de tu brazo !
¡ Cómo siento mi amor floreciendo en la mística voz de tu canto:
notas tristes y alegres y hondas que unirán tu
emoción a tu rapto !
¡ Oh la noche regada de estrellas que enviará desde todos
sus astros la más pura armonía de reflejos como ofrenda
nupcial a mi tálamo!

Media Noche

Se ha callado la idea turbadora y me siento en el sí
de tu abrazo,convertida en un sordo murmullo que se interna
en mi alma cantando.
Es la noche una cinta de estrellas que una
a una a mi lecho han rodado; y es mi vida algo así
como un soplo ensartadode impulsos paganos.
Mis pequeñas palomas se salen de su nido
de anhelos extraños y caminan su forma tangible
hacia el cielo ideal de tus manos.
Un temblor indeciso de trópico nos penetra la alcoba.
¡ Entre tanto, se han besado tu vida y mi vida…
y las almas se van acercando !
¡ Cómo siento que estoy en tu carne cual
espiga a la sombra del astro !
¡ Cómo siento que llego a tu alma y que allá
tú me estás esperando !
Se han unido, mi amor, se han unido nuestras risas
más blancas que el blanco, y
¡oh milagro! en la luz de una lágrima
se han besado tu llanto y mi llanto…
¡ Cómo muero las últimas millas que me ataban
al tren del pasado ! ¡ Qué frescura
me mueve a quedarme en el alba que tú me has brindado!


¡ Oh la noche regada de estrellas
que envió desde todos sus astros la más pura
armonía de reflejos como ofrenda nupcial a mi tálamo !
¡ Cómo suena en mi alma la clara vibración pasional
de mi amado, que se abrió
todo en surcos inmensos donde anduve mi amor, de su brazo !
La ternura de todos los surcos se ha quedado
enredando en mis pasos, y los dulces
instantes vividos siguen, tenues, en mi alma soñando…
La emoción que brotó de su vida
-- que fue en mí manantial desbordado -- ha
tomado la ruta del alba y ahora vuela por todos los prados.
Ya la noche se fue; queda el velo que al recuerdo se enlaza,
apretado, y nos mira
en estrellas dormidas desde el cielo en nosotros rondando…
Ya la noche se fue;
y a las nuevas emociones del alba se ha atado.
Todo sabe a
canciones y a frutos, y hay un niño de amor en mi mano.
Se ha quedado tu vida en mi vida como el alba
se queda en los campos; y hay mil
pájaros vivos en mi alma de esta noche de amor en tres cantos.


Night of Love in three Cantos


How the idea resonates in my soul
of a complete night in your arms
diluting all of myself in caresses
whille you give yourself to me in ecstacy!

How infinite the trembling of looks
will come in the emotion of the embrace,
and how tender the colloquy of kisses
I shall have shaking in your lips!

How I dream the blue hours
that await me stretched at your side,
without more light than the light of your eyes,
without more bed than that of your arm!

How I feel my love flowering
in the mystic voice of your song:
notes sad and happy and deep
joining your emotion to your rapture!

Oh the night sprinkled with stars
which will send from all its heavenly bodies
the purest harmony of reflections
as a nuptial offering to my bridal chamber!


The turbulent idea has quieted
and I feel mysellf in the yes of your embrace,
converted into a deaf murmur
that enters my soul singing.

The night is a ribbon of stars
which one by one have surrounded my bed;
and my life is something like a moment
threaded with pagan impulses.

My small doves come out of
their nest of strange desires
and walk their tangible form
towards the ideal sky of your hands.

An indecisive tropical quake
penetrates our alcove. Meanwhile,
your life and my life have kissed...
and our souls are nearing each other!

How I feel that in your flesh I am
some blossom in the shade of a star!
How I feel that I arrive at your soul
and you are waiting for me there!

Your laughter and mine have joined, my love,
our laughter whiter than white,
and oh miracle! In the light of a tear
your weeping and my weeping have kissed...

How I die the last miles
that tied me to the train of the past!
What freshness moves me to stay
in the dawn that you have offered me!


Oh the night sprinkled with stars
which sent from all its heavenly bodies
the purest harmony of reflections
as nuptial offering to my bridal chamber!

How my soul sounds the clear
passionate vibration of my beloved
that opened all in immense furrows
where I walked my love, at his arm!

The tenderness of all the furrows
has remained entangled in my steps,
and all the sweet moments lived
continue tenuous, dreaming in my soul...

The emotion which blossomed from his life
-that was in me a flooding wellspring-
has taken the route of the dawn
and now flies over all the fields.

The night is already gone; the veil remains
that laces itself to the memory, tightened,
and looks at us in sleeping stars
from the sky in us strolling...

The night is already gone; and to the new
emotions of the dawn has tied itself.
Everything tastes of songs and fruit,
and there is a love child in my hand.

Your life has stayed in my life
like the dawn stays in the country;
and these are a thousand birds alive in my soul
from this night of love in three cantos...

0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Oct, 2005 04:22 am

The Rose in the Deeps of his Heart
by William Butler Yeats

All things uncomely and broken,
all things worn-out and old,
The cry of a child by the roadway,
the creak of a lumbering cart,

The heavy steps of the ploughman,
splashing the wintry mould,
Are wronging your image that blossoms
a rose in the deeps of my heart.

The wrong of unshapely things
is a wrong too great to be told;
I hunger to build them anew
and sit on a green knoll apart,

With the earth and the sky and the water,
remade, like a casket of gold
For my dreams of your image that blossoms
a rose in the deeps of my heart.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Oct, 2005 02:29 am

William Shakespeare - Sonnet 18

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature's changing course untrimmed.But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of the fair thou ow'st;Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shade,When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st:So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 03:20 am

Joaquin Rodrigo Vidre   
(1901 -1999)                                                          

"En Aranjuez con tu amor"

Un lugar de ensuenos y de amor
Donde un rumor de fuentes de cristal
En el jardín parece hablar
En voz baja a las rosas

Hoy las hojas secas sin color
Que barre el viento
Son recuerdos del romance que una vez
Juntos empezamos tu y yo
Y sin razón olvidamos

Quizá ese amor escondido esté
En un atardecer
En la brisa o en la flor
Esperando tu regreso

Hoy las hojas seces sin color
Que barre el viento
Son recuerdos del romance que una vez
Juntos empezamos tu y yo
Y sin razón olvidamos

En Aranjuez, amor
Tu y yo

"In Aranjuez with your love"

a place of dreams and love
Where a rumour of crystal
fountains in the garden
seems to whisper to the roses

today the dry leaves without colour
Which are swept by the wind
Are just reminders of the romance we once started
And that we've forsaken
without reason

Maybe this love is hidden
in one sunset
In the breeze or in a flower
Waiting for your return

today the dry leaves without colour
Which are swept by the wind
Are just reminders of the romance we once started
And that we've forsaken
without reason

In Aranjuez, my love
You and I
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 02:57 am

Still My Mind - Act 1
by Bentwig420

Still it rushes through me,
in every pore,
through every cell.
What is this . . .
what feeling is this?
I cannot tell,
what secrets unveil
unknown to limits.
This absolute emmersion
blankets my every
conscious thought.
Drawing you closer,
bringing you here.
So close to me I dare not say -
still not within my sight.
I feel your breath,
heat penetrating my skin
like a hard summer rain.
I feel your face, your eyes,
trace your mouth
with my fingers.
You give me breath
so close to your mouth,
still we do not touch.
Smoldering fantasies
ignite burning,
lust and longing.
Desire tempts me.
"Move closer . . . " she whispers,
"closer, closer. "
A paradox? Closer to you,
like the finest lace -
our bodies occupy exactly
the same space.
Deeper you come!
Taking you in -
surrounding me and filling
me up- and down- push, shove
Eyes open, must I see?
Truth is now . . . this reality.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 02:58 am

Walt Whitman (1819-1892)
When I Heard at the Close of the Day
from Calamus, 1860

When I heard at the close of the day
how my name had been received
with plaudits in the capitol,
still it was not a happy night for me that followed,

And else when I caroused,
or when my plans were accomplished,
still I was not happy,

But the day when I rose at dawn

from the bed of perfect health,
refreshed, singing, inhaling the ripe breath of autumn,

When I saw the full moon in the west
grow pale and disappear in the morning light,

When I wandered alone over the beach,
and undressing bathed, laughing with the cool waters,
and saw the sun rise,

And when I thought how my dear friend my lover
was on his way coming,

O then I was happy,

O then each breath tasted sweeter,
and all that day my food nourished me more,
and the beautiful day passed well,

And the next came with equal joy,
and with the next at evening came my friend,

And that night while all was still
I heard the waters roll slowly continually up the shores,

I heard the hissing rustle of the liquid and sands
as directed to me whispering to congratulate me,

For the one I love most lay sleeping by me
under the same cover in the cool night,

In the stillness in the autumn moonbeams
his face was inclined toward me,

And his arm lay lightly around my breast
and that night I was happy.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Oct, 2005 03:13 am

Ella Wheeler Wilcox


In the midnight of darkness and terror,
When I would grope nearer to God,
With my back to a record of error
And the highway of sin I have trod,
There come to me shapes I would banish-
The shapes of the deeds I have done;
And I pray and I plead till they vanish-
All vanish and leave me, save one.
That one, with a smile like the splendor
Of the sun in the middle-day skies-

That one, with a spell that is tender-
That one with a dream in her eyes-
Cometh close, in her rare Southern beauty,
Her languor, her indolent grace;
And my soul turns its back on its duty,
To live in the light of her face.

She touches my cheek, and I quiver-
I tremble with exquisite pains;
She sighs-like an overcharged river
My blood rushes on through my veins;
She smiles-and in mad-tiger fashion,
As a she-tiger fondles her own,
I clasp her with fierceness and passion,
And kiss her with shudder and groan.

Once more, in our love's sweet beginning,
I put away God and the World;
Once more, in the joys of our sinnings,
Are the hopes of eternity hurled.
There is nothing my soul lacks or misses
As I clasp the dream-shape to my breast;
In the passion and pain of her kisses
Life blooms to its richest, and best.

Oh ghost of dead sin unrelenting,
Go back to the dust, and the sod!
Too dear, and too sweet for repenting,
Ye stand between me, and my God.
If I, by the Throne should behold you,
Smiling up with those eyes loved so well,
Close, close in my arms I would hold you,
And drop with you down to sweet Hell!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2005 02:55 am

You filled my heart with love
                       It will never break apart
                               Miracle in my eyes
                             Time is running wild
               You know I have lost my way
                       You know I have got to say
     Days like barricades have come to an end

                                                                                       A new day has begun
                                                                                 A new day shines like the sun

                                                                                                                                   You give me songs to sing
                                                                                                                       You give me dreams to dream
                                                                                                       All I ever wanted I find here with you
                                                                                                               Forget the world is the world
                                                                                                               Forget the world is in pain
                                                                                                       Somehow it got out of hand
                                                                                               Somehow I don't comprehend

                                     A new day has begun
                       A new day shines like the sun

                                               Your lips are sweet
                                         It's all I need from life
                             Love makes angels of us all
     I thought I would never meet a girl like you
                     I know I will never let you go
                         I will never let this go

                   A new day has begun
       A new day shines like the sun
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2005 02:59 am

Si Tu Me Olvidas

QUIERO que sepas
una cosa.

Tú sabes cómo es esto:
si miro
la luna de cristal,la rama roja
del lento otoño en mi ventana,
si toco
junto al fuego
la impalpable ceniza
o el arrugado cuerpo de la leña,
todo me lleva a ti,
como si todo lo que existe,
aromas, luz, metales,
fueran pequeños barcos que navegan
hacia las islas tuyas que me aguardan.

Ahora bien,
si poco a poco dejas de quererme
dejaré de quererte poco a poco.

Si de pronto
me olvidas
no me busques,
que ya te habré olvidado.

Si consideras largo y loco
el viento de banderas
que pasa por mi vida
y te decides
a dejarme a la orilla
del corazón en que tengo raíces,
que en ese día,
a esa hora
levantaré los brazos
y saldrán mis raíces
a buscar otra tierra.

si cada día,
cada hora
sientes que a mí estás destinada
con dulzura implacable.
Si cada día sube
una flor a tus labios a buscarme,
ay amor mío, ay mía,
en mí todo ese fuego se repite,
en mí nada se apaga ni se olvida,
mi amor se nutre de tu amor, amada,
y mientras vivas estará en tus brazos
sin salir de los míos.

Pablo Neruda

If you forget me

If you forget me
I want you to know
one thing.

You know how this is:
if I look at the crystal moon, at the red branch
of the slow autumn at my window,
if I touch
near the fire
the impalpable ash
or the wrinkled body of the log,
everything carries me to you,
as if everything that exists:
aromas, light, metals,
were little boats that sail
toward those isles of yours that wait for me.

Well, now,
if little by little you stop loveing me
I shall stop loving you little by little.

If suddenly you forget me, do not look for me,
for I shall already have forgotten you.
If you think it long and mad,
the wind of banners that passes through my life,
and you decide to leave me at the shore
of the heart where I have roots,
that on that day,
at that hour,
I shall lift my arms
and my roots will set off
to seek another land.

But if each day, each hour,
you feel that you are destined for me
with implacable sweetness,
if each day a flower
climbs up to your lips to seek me,
ah my love, ah my own,
in me all that fire is repeated,
in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten,
my love feeds on your love, beloved,
and as long as you live it will be in your arms
without leaving mine.

Si tu m'oublies

Si tu m'oublies
je veux que tu saches
une chose.

Tu sais ce qu'il en est:
si je regarde
la lune de cristal, la branche rouge
du lent automne de ma fenêtre,
si je touche
près du feu
la cendre impalpable
ou le corps ridé du bois,
tout me mène à toi,
comme si tout ce qui existe,
les arômes, la lumière, les métaux,
étaient de petits bateaux qui naviguent
vers ces îles à toi qui m'attendent.

si peu à peu tu cesses de m'aimer
je cesserai de t'aimer peu à peu.

Si soudain
tu m'oublies
ne me cherche pas,
puisque je t'aurai aussitôt oubliée.

Si tu crois long et fou
le vent de drapeaux
qui traversent ma vie
et tu décides
de me laisser au bord
du coeur où j'ai mes racines,
que ce jour-là,
à cette même heure,
je lèverai les bras
et mes racines sortiront
chercher une autre terre.

si tous les jours
à chaque heure
tu sens que tu m'es destinée
avec une implacable douceur.
Si tous les jours monte
une fleur à tes lèvres me chercher,
ô mon amour, ô mienne,
en moi tout ce feu se répète,
en moi rien ne s'éteint ni s'oublie,
mon amour se nourrit de ton amour, ma belle,
et durant ta vie il sera entre tes bras
sans s'échapper des miens.

Traduction de Ricard Ripoll i Villanueva

Se tu mi dimentichi

Se tu mi dimentichi
voglio che sappia
una cosa.

Tu sai com' è questo:
se guardo la luna di cristallo, il ramo rosso
del lento autunno alla mia finestra,
se tocco vicino al fuoco
l' impalpabile cenere
o il rugoso corpo della legna,
tutto mi conduce a te;
aromi, luce, metalli,
fossero piccole navi che vanno
verso le tue isole che m' attendono. Orbene,
se a poco a poco cessi di amarmi
cesserò d'amarti poco a poco.

Se d'improvviso
mi dimentichi, non cercarmi
che già ti avrò dimenticata.

Se consideri lungo e pazzo
il vento di bandiere
che passa per la mia vita
e ti decidi a lasciarmi alla riva
del cuore in cui affondo le radici,
che in quel giorno,
in quell' ora,
leverò in alto le braccia
e le mie radici usciranno
a cercare nuova terra.

Ma se ogni giorno, ogni ora
senti che a me sei destinata
con dolcezza implacabile.
Se ogni giorno sale
alle tue labbra un fiore a cercarmi,
ahi, amore mio, ahi mia
in me tutto quel fuoco si ripete,
in me nulla si spegne nè si oblia,
il mio amore si nutre del tuo amore, amata,
e finchè tu vivrai starà tra le tue braccia
senza uscire dalle mie.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Oct, 2005 03:52 am


And now the purple dusk of twilight time
   Steals across the meadows of my heart
     High up in the sky the little stars climb
         Always reminding me that we're apart
           You wander down the lane and far away
               Leaving me a song that will not die
                 Love is now the stardust
                     Of yesterday
                       The music
                           Of the years
                             Gone by


                                                   Sometimes I wonder why I spend
                                                     The lonely nights
                                                         Dreaming of a song.
                                                           The melody haunts my reverie
                                                               And I am once again with you.
                                                                 When our love was new, and each kiss an inspiration.
                                                                     But that was long ago, and now my consolation
                                                                       Is in the stardust of a song.
                                                                           Beside the garden wall, when stars are bright
                                                                             You are in my arms
                                                                                 The nightingale tells his fairy tale
                                                                                   Of paradise where roses grew.
                                                                                       Though I dream in vain, in my heart you will remain
                                                                                         My stardust melody
                                                                                             The memory of love's refrain.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2005 02:42 am

A Man and a Woman

When hearts are passing in the night,                                         
In the lonely night                                                                 
Then they must hold each other tight,                               
Oh so very tight.                                                     

And take a chance that in the light                       
In tomorrow's light                                       
They'll stay together, so much in love.       
And in the tho' yesterday still surrounds you
With a warm and precious memory

May be for tomorrow we can build a new dream for you and me.
This glow we fell is something rare,
Something really rare
So come and say you want to share
Want to really share the beauty waiting for us there,
Calling for us there that only loving can give the heart.
When life is fraid to take a chance,
Really take a chance
Let your heart begin to dance,
Let it sign and dance to the silence of the might,
Of the morning mist
When lips are waiting to be kissed
Longing to be kissed.
Where is the reason resist and deny a kiss
That holds a promise of hapiness passing in the night,
In the rushing night.
A man and a woman in the night,
In the lonely night.
Must take a chance that in the light,
In the tomorrow's light
They'll be together so much in music of a glance
Of a fleeting glance to the music of romance,
Of a new romance take a chance.

Un Homme ou une Famme

Changer les moeurs
                                                                       Dans un village
                                                       Est quesi impossible
                                                     D'apre s sondage

                                             Il y a des rumeurs
                                             Derriere le dos
                           Les voisins leur disent
                       Plus jamais un mot

Un homme ou une femme n'a pas tendance a aimer
Un homme ou une femme venant du sexe opposé
On voit et on juge
Et on n'a pas d'excuse
Ces hommes et ces femmes ont toujours existé

On les avait remarquées
Dans le squere
En train de s'enlacer
Elles ne se genaient guere

On est mesquin
Et toutes ces monqueries
On oublie souvent
A quelle époque on vit

Finalement de quoi on se m?le
A Beverly Hill's c'est naturel
Et les guens du village resteront sidérés
Si un homme ou une famme n'a pas tendance a aimer
Un homme ou une femme venant du sexe opposé
Mais ces hommes et ces femmes ont toujours existé
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2005 04:26 am

Julieta Venegas

Si quieres un poco de mi
Me deberias esperar
Y caminar a paso lento
Muy lento

Y poco a poco olvidar
El tiempo y su velocidad
Frenar el ritmo, ir muy lento
Mas lento


Se delicado y espera
Dame tiempo para darte
Todo lo que tengo

Se delicado y espera
Dame tiempo para darte
Todo lo que tengo

Si quieres un poco de mi
Dame paciencia y veras
Sera mejor que andar corriendo
Levanta el vuelo

Y poco a poco olvidar
El tiempo y su velocidad
Frenar el ritmo, ir muy lento
Cada vez mas lento


Se delicado y espera
Dame tiempo para darte
Todo lo que tengo

Se delicado y espera
Dame tiempo para darte
Todo lo que tengo

Si me hablas de amor
Si suavizas mi vida
No estare mas tiempo
Sin saber que siento


Se delicado y espera
Dame tiempo para darte
Todo lo que tengo

Se delicado y espera
Dame tiempo para darte
Todo lo que tengo
more Julieta Venegas Lyrics

Andar Conmigo

Hay tanto que quiero contarte
hay tanto que quiero saber de ti,
ya podemos empezar poco a poco
cuentame que te trae por aqui.

No te asustes de decirme la verdad
eso nunca puede estar tan mal
yo tambien tengo secretos para darte
y que sepas que no me sirven mas.

Hay tantos caminos por andar...

Dime si tu quisieras andar conmigo oh, oh, oh...
Cuentame si quisieras andar conmigo oh, oh, oh...

Estoy ansiosa por soltarlo todo
desde el principio hasta llegar al dia de hoy;
una historia tengo aqui para entregarte,
una historia todavia sin final

Podriamos decirnos cualquier cosa
incluso darnos para siempre un siempre no,
pero ahora frente a frente aqui sentados
festejemos que la vida nos unio

Dime si tu quisieras andar conmigo oh, oh, oh...
Cuentame si quisieras andar conmigo oh, oh, oh...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2005 03:57 am
0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 05:57 am

Stranger on the Shore

Here I stand, watching the tide go out
         So all alone and blue
                   Just dreaming dreams of you

                               I watched your ship as it sailed out to sea
                                       Taking all my dreams
                                                 And taking all of me

The sighing of the waves
The wailing of the wind
The tears in my eyes burn
Pleading, "My love, return"

Why, oh, why must I go on like this
Shall I just be a lonely stranger on the shore

The sighing of the waves
The wailing of the wind
The tears in my eyes burn
Pleading, "My love, return"

Why, oh, why must I go on like this
Shall I just be lonely stranger on the shore

Robert Millen
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Oct, 2005 02:38 am

I Could Fall In Love

I could lose my heart tonight
If you don't turn and walk away
'Cause the way I feel I might
Lose control and let you stay

'Cause I could take you in my arms
And never let you go

I could fall in love with you
I could fall in love with you

I can only wonder how
Touching you would make me feel
But if I take that chance right now
Tomorrow will you want me still

So I should keep this to myself
And never let you know

I could fall in love with you
I could fall in love with you

And I know it's not right
And I guess I should try to do what I should do
But I could fall in love, fall in love with you
I could fall in love with you

Siempre estoy sonando en ti
Besando mis labios, acariciando mi piel
Abrazandome con ansias locas
Imaginando que me amas
Como yo podia amar a ti.

So I should keep this to myself
And never let you know

I could fall in love with you
I could fall in love with you

I could fall in love, I could fall in love
With you...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2005 04:35 am
I Want You There Between My Fingers


I want you here, between my fingers
my fingers of delirious clarinets
I want you, on your belly
the belly opened to the night
the belly full of little pianos
piano concertinos to the string of my fingers
I want you, both legs apart
on the shore of those two planets
I want to walk over your astral feet
and dive between the infinite space
my head overturned between those two hemispheres

I want your breasts, teared apart
I want to drink to the wounds of your breasts
I want to swim this marvelous pacific
I want to drowned myself in your wounds
ran over your lips
sleep and dream under your eyes
I want to tear you to my bed
penetrate your hemisphere
I want to run under your flesh
caress the inside shape of your senses
turn around your charms
behind the opacity of your flesh under your corpse
make you shout and cry
make you dream and die
I want....
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 05:33 am

Have you ever really loved a Woman?

to really love a woman
              to understand her - you gotta know her deep inside
                       hear every thought - see every dream
                            n' give her wings - when she wants to fly
 then when you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms then
                              ya know ya really love a woman
 when you love a woman you tell her that she's really wanted
                     when you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
    cuz she needs somebody to tell her that it's gonny last forever
 so tell me have you ever really - really really ever loved a woman? ?

                                                                     to really love a woman
                                                                       let her hold you - til ya know how she needs to be touched
                                                                     you've gotta breathe her - really taste her
                                                                                til you can feel her in your blood
                                                                                    n' when you can see your unborn children in her eyes

                              ya know ya really love a woman
                                      when you love a woman you tell her that she's really wanted
                                                    when you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
                                            cuz she needs somebody to tell her that you'll always be together
                                   so tell me have you ever really - really really ever loved a woman?
                          you got to give her some faith - hold her tight
                a little tenderness - gotta treat her right
        she will be there for you, takin' good care of you
ya really gotta love your woman ...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2005 04:45 am

Experiencia Religiosa"

Un poco de ti para sobrevivir
Esta noche se viene fria y sola
Un aire de extasis en la ventana
Para vestirme de fiesta y ceremonia

Cada vez que estoy contigo
Yo descubro el infinito
Tiembla el suelo
La noche se ilumina
El silencio se vuelve melodia

Y es casi un
experiencia religiosa
Sentir que resucito si me tocas
Subir al firmamento prendido de tu
es un experiencia religiosa

Casi una experiencia religiosa
Contigo cada instante en cada cosa
Besar la boca tuya merece
un aleluya
Es una experiencia religiosa

Vuelve pronto mi amor
te necesito ya
Porque esta noche tan honda
me da miedo
Necesito la musica de tu alegria
Para callar los demonios que
llevo dentro

Cada vez que estoy contigo
Yo descubro el infinito
Tiembla el suelo
La noche se ilumina
El silencio se vuelve melodia

Y es casi un
experiencia religiosa
Sentir que resucito si me tocas
Subir al firmamento prendido de tu
es un experiencia religiosa

Casi una experiencia religiosa
Contigo cada instante
en cada cosa
Besar la boca tuya merece
un aleluya
Es una experiencia religiosa

Y es casi un
experiencia religiosa
Sentir que resucito si me tocas
Subir al firmamento
prendido de tu cuerpo
Es un experiencia religiosa

Casi una experiencia religiosa
Contigo cada instante en cada cosa
Besar la boca tuya
merece un aleluya
Es una experiencia religiosa

Religious Experience

A little of you to survive
this night that came cold and lonely
An air of extacy in the window to
cover me in festivity and ceremony

Each time I'm with you
I discover the infinite
I touch the sky
the night illuminates
the silence returns a melody

And it's almost a
religious experience
To feel that I'm revived if you touch me
To rise to the heavens caught
by your body
It's a religious experience

Almost a religious experience
With you in ever instant in everything
To kiss your lips is worthy
of a halleluya
It's a religious experience

Hurry to return my love,
I need you now
Because this night so deep,
scares me
I need the music of your happiness
to calm the demons that I carry

Each time I'm with you
I discover the infinite
I touch the sky
the night illuminates
the silence returns a melody

And it's almost a
religious experience
To feel that I'm revived if you touch me
To rise to the heavens
caught by your body
It's a religious experience

Almost a religious experience
With you in ever instant
in everything
To kiss your lips is worthy
of a halleluya
It's a religious experience

And it's almost a
religious experience
To feel that I'm revived if you touch me
To rise to the heavens
caught by your body
It's a religious experience

Almost a religious experience
With you in ever instant in everything
To kiss your lips is
worthy of a halleluya
It's a religious experience
0 Replies

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