Wed 21 Sep, 2005 06:42 pm
and that's probably exactly what Tyler Sheehan is to these bush pricks...."intensified criticism"
Of course the whole damn article is a hoax, but you thought you had me there for a minute huh? :wink:
1st prize goes to blue
well done blue a stick of candy is on its way to you right now!!!
Tyler Sheehan Article
It truly doesn't get funnier than this. Ofcourse if you believe this story, you must be sick to think of it as"funny"..right?? -at least thats what the survivors "recall", and what the hospital orderly said. According to "sources" this "hero" went above and beyond the call of duty to help aid imperiled new orleans "dispensing bottled water and first aid" but survivors seem to recall that he was without any kind of first aid kit to save himself. "A report" of Tyler's body found, but Cindy SHeehan was "unavailable" and the intensified criticism refferred to as a "firestorm of controversy" hasn't hit my ears yet. The "onion"-a source that knows everything, has no sources that know anything about the newfound body of Tyler Sheehan. Of course the whole damn article is a hoax, but you thought you had me there for a minute huh?