Tue 20 Sep, 2005 04:54 am
That's what I think. Obviously man's creative instinct has manufactured a fabulously massive institution over the centuries but what it all boils down to is that we don't want to die.
I can't believe all of you bright people, and many others as well, waste so much of your time pursuing this fiction. We should have grown out of it centuries ago.
Its so depressing living in a world with so many otherwise normal people who just won't face up to the simple fact that whether you eat pork or not, or have sex before marriage or not, show your hair or not, pray or not, makes absolutely no difference.
Oh well.
Yep, its fear of the unkown.
If you behave well and deny yourself completely natural things that are supposedly bad for you, you will go to heaven.
If you have sex before marriage, swear/blasphem,eat meat etc you will apparently go to hell, and nobody wants that do they, so they will try and do supposedly good things.
Its all about control and punishment for doing fun things.
(I will argue that Religion has been an important part of history and is a key part of building society... when I have time).
Not important unless it wasn't already part of history if you get my meaning.
If you suggest as a way of controlling the people and preventing widespread anarchy I disagree.
As I mentioned in another post moral behaviour is a evolutionary benefit to our protective society and thus it would have found a way to exist with or without religion.
On another subject....material girl..are you hot? We seem to have a lot in common "sex before marriage, swear/blasphem,eat meat etc"
Re: Isn't religion just fear of death?
barnoonan wrote:That's what I think. Obviously man's creative instinct has manufactured a fabulously massive institution over the centuries but what it all boils down to is that we don't want to die.
I can't believe all of you bright people, and many others as well, waste so much of your time pursuing this fiction. We should have grown out of it centuries ago.
Its so depressing living in a world with so many otherwise normal people who just won't face up to the simple fact that whether you eat pork or not, or have sex before marriage or not, show your hair or not, pray or not, makes absolutely no difference.
Oh well.
I always thought science and atheism was a reaction to the fear of being out of control, i.e. death.
You are implying that science is the opposite of religion.
If you drop the word "science" from your previous statement, I will support it.
ebrown_p wrote:John,
You are implying that science is the opposite of religion.
If you drop the word "science" from your previous statement, I will support it.
I can't drop the word 'science' because science gets hysterical when people talk about experiences they are having that indicate life after death. For example, experiences such as seeing ghosts, spirits, reincarnation memories, non-material processes, other worlds, clairvoyance, birth memories, consciousness, etc.
Re: History
On another subject....material girl..are you hot? We seem to have a lot in common "sex before marriage, swear/blasphem,eat meat etc"[/quote]
Im as hot as a flame grilled whopper with spicey relish, peppers and a side salad of gherkins and pickles with a curry milkshake.
Im not really, Im quite plain looking, but its us plain ones that have to make up for things in other ways!!
Re: History
material girl wrote:
Im not really, Im quite plain looking, but its us plain ones that have to make up for things in other ways!!
What cooking etc?
Yep head and wonders why guys were given the ability to type)
Cooking isnt funny, especially when I burnt my hand the other day on a frying pan!!
barnoonan wrote:Funny though.
Here's a joke. An alien walks into a bar and asks the barman for a green lager. Anyway the barman says, ha-ha- the barman says -ha-ha the barman says ha-ha **** I've forgotten it.
Anway I will post it as soon as I get to ask my mate. In the meantimne do you no eni gud jokes like?
Sorry my mate cantremenber either.
I dont kno any more jokes so you will just have to work it out.
in the meantime play some music or try this poem
i have a red car and
white socks
white socks
i have a red car and
white socks
The initial post is correct. Primitive man invented God for two reasons. Firstly, he had no knowledge of science, so he explained natural phenomena, e.g. rain, in terms of the actions of a supernatural being. Secondly, it takes guts to face the fact that when you're dead, you're just dead, so people make up the fiction that God takes their essence to Valhalla or whatever. That's what religion is - (1)a holdover from our pre-scientific past, and (2)a way to avoid facing the unpleasant fact that we live for a finite span of years.
I await the moronic response, "No, that's what science is blah, blah, blah..."
Brandon9000 wrote:The initial post is correct. Primitive man invented God for two reasons. Firstly, he had no knowledge of science, so he explained natural phenomena, e.g. rain, in terms of the actions of a supernatural being. Secondly, it takes guts to face the fact that when you're dead, you're just dead, so people make up the fiction that God takes their essence to Valhalla or whatever. That's what religion is - (1)a holdover from our pre-scientific past, and (2)a way to avoid facing the unpleasant fact that we live for a finite span of years.
I await the moronic response, "No, that's what science is blah, blah, blah..."
Clever man invent God. Stupid man, he say no God. Man who know better say nothing.
John Jones wrote:Brandon9000 wrote:The initial post is correct. Primitive man invented God for two reasons. Firstly, he had no knowledge of science, so he explained natural phenomena, e.g. rain, in terms of the actions of a supernatural being. Secondly, it takes guts to face the fact that when you're dead, you're just dead, so people make up the fiction that God takes their essence to Valhalla or whatever. That's what religion is - (1)a holdover from our pre-scientific past, and (2)a way to avoid facing the unpleasant fact that we live for a finite span of years.
I await the moronic response, "No, that's what science is blah, blah, blah..."
Clever man invent God. Stupid man, he say no God. Man who know better say nothing.
Blah, blah, blah, it's just sophistry to protect a belief in magic that you find comforting. Saying nothing on the topic, as you counsel, is not the best way to find the truth.
material girl wrote:Yep head and wonders why guys were given the ability to type)
LMAO! You have a delightful sense of humor.
As for religion being practice as fear of the unknown? Not for me. I am not afraid of death. I never have been.
Religion is not an escape or a crutch for me. It is part of my life. The part that sustains me.
"Hey babe, I think religion is stupid. So do you. Let's get together and 'discuss' it sometime"
Good duck, Material girl. You made me laugh. :wink: