I look at the neo's face and want to run bacterial cultures. (Lovely buggers. Huge piles, though.)
Go to a First Nations Reserve anywhere in Canada to get a dog. They have all kinds. The dogs get shot there, they think it controls populations. DUH. This, from people who respect (they say) animals. Anyway, we have a part wolf/husky from a Reserve who kinda adopted us and he's a sweetie. If he'd stayed he would've been killed. He's only 1 1/2 old and beautiful. I'd download a photo but not sure how to do that! This breed likes exercise, but so does our cute freckle-nosed Border Collie/English Springer mix girl. Which is a good thing as it gets us off our butts every day. Our Border Collie is extremely intelligent and at 8 yrs old shows no signs of slowing down!
Border Colliesare very very clever doggies. They like to work you to death and only later do the next of kin discover that , without anyones knowledge, the Border Collie has changed your will, naming themselves as sole beneficiaries.
Nice Avatar, Englishmajor..........better than Farmerman's, IMO.
I'm James Brown's soul benificiary. I eagerly await the day I can take off these orthopedic shoes and get on the good foot.
As you were.