Lions purr.
Do lions purr?
June 26, 2004
Do lions purr?
Lions do occasionally purr, but they are different from house cats in that purring is not common or important in their social life. Also, lions make a sound only as they exhale instead of continuously, the way house cats do. The large cats of the world are divided into two groups - those that roar, like tigers and African lions, and those that purr. Mountain lions purr, hiss, scream, and snarl, but they cannot roar.
John Mamutil, Baulkham Hills Some aver that lions purr
Others say that's rot
I, myself, am in two minds
- purrhaps, purrhaps not.
Don Bain, Port Macquarie Yes and no. Joy Adamson said that Elsa (of Born Free fame) purred, but the type of purring would have been different to that of the small cats (Felis species). Small cats purr continuously as they breathe in and out, and can even purr while miaowing and swallowing. Lions, on the other hand, may make a purring sound, but have to take a breath in between purrs.
Tigers "chuff":
Chuffing -- a soft "Brrrrr" sound made through the nose and open mouth, a tiger's way of purring.