It looks as if your source has problems with the concept of black nationalism which it fears could tip over into black supremacy.
That seems very subjective from a pro white point of view.
It's ironic because Christianity has been used to promote white supremacy from the beginning, Noah's black son, missionaries teaching poor benighted natives and the Apartheid supporting Dutch Free Church in South Africa.
I would suggest you look at it yourself and make your own judgement instead of allowing some voice on high to make your moral decisions for you.
Your source even suggested it was possible to acknowledge a great part of Kwanzaa without compromising your religious beliefs.
You need to stop accepting what authoritative voices tell you to think and think for yourself.
God gave you a conscience, and that should be the final arbiter of what is right and wrong.
By all means seek advice but, at the end of the day, in your heart you know what's right.
That way you avoid atrocities like Henry V burning people at the stake because they wanted to read the Bible in English.
"God has no clergy." The Prophet.