Why don't Jehovah's Witnesses like offering practical aid to the needy?

Sat 6 Apr, 2024 02:22 pm
I came across a commentary about Jehovah's Witnesses. It referenced a video the JW's released about an impoverished single mother and her children who had minimal furnishings in their home and only bowls of white rice to eat for dinner. Instead of providing food or other practical assistance, the elders who visited them read to them a few Bible Scriptures and urged them to help clean up the Kingdom Hall and preach and give gifts to individuals better off than they were. By the end of the story, they still had only white rice to eat, but were made to act happy and content about it:


I was a little triggered because I remember that the JW's I used to study with treated me in a similar way when I was facing homelessness after I was almost literally killed by my batterer who eventually was incarcerated. I ended up getting out of that situation by myself while they demanded I attend all their meetings, provide field service, etc., often threatening me with death at Armageddon when I refused. When I shared my grievances about the domestic violence I experienced and no one at the Hall being helpful, the JW's only victim-shamed me and basically indicated that my life would probably improve if only I got baptized. However, they still treated me the same way even after I got baptized, giving more attention to strangers than to me. They claimed to want to replace the loving family I never but I only felt just as alone, in some ways even more so.

I also find it odd that the JW's don't build shelters, food pantries, clothing bins, foster homes, orphanages, soup kitchens, etc., while one of their leaders, Anthony Morris, has more than $900 to spend on liquor:


I guess they occasionally do provide charitable assistance to struggling individuals but it seems only to be a matter of hit or miss. It appears that preaching from door to door appears to be their main charity. Why is this? How can they watch people struggling and starving and call themselves the true Christians?

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Sun 7 Apr, 2024 03:58 am
There's a really good UK comedy show, Everyone Else Burns, about a group of JW type evangelists.
Wed 10 Apr, 2024 08:16 pm
I would say that is a false story. JW,s provide for one another. We are a worldwide brotherhood, a united family. Family do not let members go without.
Your personal account is twisted unreality. Although it sounds like you were living in sin and supporting satans will, why should they help? JW,s are no part of this world.
You listen to, to many apostates and their twisted stories, maybe you are an apostate maybe not. But apostates are all the same, they point the finger everywhere but where it should be pointed at themselves.
Wed 10 Apr, 2024 08:20 pm
God has warned the earth for over 1900 years of what is coming. But as Jesus shared-Luke 17:26--These last days will be like Noahs day(99.9% mislead) Why because the world took no note), and as they laughed at Noah back then are basically laughing at the JW,s today. The JW,s out of love donated over 1 billion hours of field service last year at personal cost to try to help others, 99% minimum on earth today are mislead and will not listen.
Thu 11 Apr, 2024 12:02 am
Thu 11 Apr, 2024 12:35 am
Luke lied about the Census of Quirinius, so he's not to be trusted.
Thu 11 Apr, 2024 12:46 am
Religious fundamentalists aren't very nice people regardless of the religion.

Note how KW's post is all about threats of a Biblical flood and all sorts of horrible things if I don't follow that specific belief system.

Their God is that petty.

It's a far cry from Love Thy Neighbour.
The Anointed
Thu 11 Apr, 2024 03:16 am
Luke lied about the Census of Quirinius, so he's not to be trusted.

Those who wish to attack and denigrate the Holy scriptures, and are totally ignorant to the scriptures that they attack, will say that the Roman census which was taken in Israel at the time of the birth of Jesus, was the census of Quirinius the governor of Syria, and therefore the scriptures cannot be trusted, but of course it wasn’t.

The Census of Quirinius was a census of Judea taken by Quirinius, Roman governor of Syria, in 6 CE, 9 years after the death of Herod the Great in 4 B.C.

The census taken, during which census Jesus was born, was not a census of Judea, but a census of the entire Roman Empire, decreed by Caesar Augustus in 8 B.C., which took some 5 years to complete.

Quirinius was a Roman aristocrat, who, after the banishment of Herod Archelaus from the tetrarchy of Judea in 6 AD, 8 years after the death of his father ‘Herod the Great’ was appointed legate governor of Syria, to which the province of Judaea had been added for the purpose of a census.

During the census of the entire Roman Empire, which was decreed by Caesar Augustus in 8 B.C., Quirinius was on a campaign in Syria as Augustus’ Vicegerent, and that census was not an exercise in tax collecting, but an exercise in information gathering, which took some 5 years to implement and complete

The Greek word “Apographe,” used in Luke 2; and Acts 5; is erroneously translated as “TAX.” But according to Young’s Analytical Concordance, it means, “A writing off or Register.” And Rome did not tax Judea until a Roman Procurator was put in place of the banished Herod Archelaus some years after the birth of Jesus.

The Amplified version…. Luke 2: 1; In those days it occurred that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that the whole Roman Empire should be REGISTERED. Luke 2: 2; This was the first enrolment, and it was made when Quirinius was “hegemon” in Syria. Luke 2: 3; And all the people were going to be REGISTED, each to his own city or town.

Early in the twentieth century, a papyrus was discovered which contained an edict by G. Vibius Maximus, the Roman governor of Egypt, stating: Since the enrolment by households is approaching, it is necessary to command all who for any reason are out of their own district to return to their own home, in order to perform the usual business of the taxation… (Cobern, C.M. 1929. The New Archeological Discoveries and their Bearing upon the New Testament. New York and London: Funk & Wagnalls, p. 47; Unger, M.F. 1962. Archaeology and the New Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, p. 64).

The same papyrus also confirms Luke’s assertion that a man had to bring his family with him when he traveled to his place of ancestry in order to be properly counted by the Roman authorities (Lk. 2:5). The document reads: I register Pakebkis, the son born to me and my wife, Taasies and Taopis in the 10th year of Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus Imperator [Emperor], and request that the name of my aforesaid son Pakeb[k] is to be entered on the list” (Boyd, R.T. 1991. World’s Bible Handbook. Grand Rapids, MI: World Publishing, p. 415).

This sheds light on why Joseph had to bring his highly pregnant fiancée and Soon to become wife along with him when he went to Bethlehem. Such discoveries caused the late George A. Barton, Ph.D., Professor of Biblical Literature and Semitic Languages at Bryn Mawr and former Director of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem, to comment: Luke’s statement, that Joseph went up from Nazareth to Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to enrol himself with Mary (Luke 2:4, 5), turns out to be in exact accord with the governmental regulations as we now know them from the papyri.

The Living New Testament….. Luke 2: 1; About this time Caesar Augustus, the Roman Emperor, decreed that a census should be taken throughout the nation. Luke 2: 2; this census was taken when Quirinius was “hegemon” in Syria. Luke 2: 3; Everyone was required to return to his ancestral home for this ‘REGISTRATION.”

RSV…… 2: 1; In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be ENROLLED. Luke 2: 2; This was the first ENROLLMENT, when Quirinius was “hegemon” in Syria.

Luke does not specifically state what the Roman office held by Quirinius actually was when the first registration or enrolment was made in Judaea in 6 B.C. But in reference to the position he held, Luke uses the Greek word “hegemoneuontos tes Surias Kureniou.’ “hegemon,” Which the authors of the English bible have erroneously translated as “Governor.”

We know that in the time of Caligula, the African administration was divided in such a way, that the military power, and with it the foreign policy of the Province, was controlled by a Lieutenant of Augustus, while the internal affairs of the Province were left to the ordinary governor, a Proconsul.

Quirinius was a special Lieutenant of Augustus, who conducted the war against the Homonadenses, while Varus, the Governor, administered the ordinary affairs of Syria. The duties of Quirinius might be described by calling him dux in Latin, and the Greek equivalent is necessarily and correctly hegemon, as Luke has it.

Around the year of 6 B. C., the Governors of Galatia and Syria were involved in the construction of a system of military roads and garrison cities. They had a major problem. The Homonadenses had taken control of a Roman client nation located in the Taurus mountains which traversed the centre of these operations. Syria and Galatia would normally be required to intervene but Galatia had no army and Varus had no military experience. Whereas Quirinius was a general and famous for having quelled the Marmaridea rebellion in Cilicia (Libya) in BC.14. Quirinius was the one who Caesar Augustus sent to conquer the Homonadenses nation. This campaign had to have been implemented from Syria, as the Taurus Mountains, marked the northern limit of the Syrian plain from where Quirinius would have undoubtedly launched his campaign.

It necessarily follows that in 6-5 B.C., General Quirinius dealt with the Homonadenses situation as Augustus' vicegerent or special Lieutenant, whilst Varus attended to the internal administration of Syria.

As Herod the Great died in 4 B.C. believing that Jesus was over 12 months old and ordering the death of all the male children two years and below, or all who were born in and after 6 B.C., we can now safely assume that Jesus was born in 6 B.C., when the census of ENROLLMENT was taken in Judaea, while General Quirinius in 6-5 B.C., was dealing with the Homonadenses in the Taurus Mountains, which marked the northern limit of the Syrian plain from where Quirinius would have undoubtedly launched his campaign against the Homonadenses.

This reveals that the census of Israel in 6.B.C, when Quirinius was on a campaign in Syria as Augustus’ Vicegerent, was not an exercise in tax collecting, but an exercise in information gathering, which was a census of the entire Roman Empire, decreed by Caesar Augustus, It would have taken a few years to implement and complete this. It was decreed in 8 BC. and the completed set of documents, which registered the loyalty of Roman citizens and people of note in subject nations to Caesar Augustus, was presented to him in 3 BC.

The following is Augustus' own account: Page 1. "during my sixth term as consul (BC.28), I, along with my comrade Marcus Agrippa, commanded a census to be taken of the people. I directed a lustrum, the first in forty-one years, in which 4,063,000 Roman citizens were counted. And once again, with imperial authority, I single handedly authorized a lustrum when the consuls of Rome were Gaius Censorinus and Gaius Asinius (8 B.C.), during which time 4,233,000 Roman citizens were counted."

In Luke’s day there was no B.C. (Before Christ) or C.E. (Christian Era). So, in what year did Luke say that the census of Caesar Augustus was held in Israel? [ANSWER] In the year that General Quirinius, as Augustus’ Vicegerent or special Lueitenant, was on a campaign in Syria dealing with the Homonadenses situation, which we now know as the year 6 B.C. in which Jesus was born and two years before the death of Herod the Great in 4B.C/
Thu 11 Apr, 2024 09:18 am
@The Anointed,
Go to Hell.

I've attacked your hypocrisy and your bigotry.

You call me an atheist because you can accdpt that a y9ne can d8sagree with yoj because you're a terrible person.

Most Christians selectively read the Bible.

It's normally the events in Genesis that are viewed as allegorical, but not you, you accept all of that but ignore the Golden Rule.

Luke tried to fit the birth of Christ into previous pfophecies.

The census did not happen when he claimed, nor did the men all have to return to their places of birth.

It's ridiculous, doesn't make sense, instead of working and making money people are spending weeks or months travelling.

It never happed, Luke was wrong, at best he was mistaken, but he most likely lied.

Those are the facts regardless of what the Council of Nicaea decided.

And I'll take no lectures from someone who twist scriptures for their own sick purposes.
Thu 11 Apr, 2024 09:26 am
"The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity"

WB Yeates
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Thu 11 Apr, 2024 05:05 pm
Its basic English.
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Thu 11 Apr, 2024 05:06 pm
How would you know? Lets see. God inspired Lukes words, thus if one calls Luke a liar they are actually calling God the liar.
Thu 11 Apr, 2024 05:09 pm
Did you miss the book of Revelation? Gods words not mine. Did you miss where Jesus compares these last days to Noahs day( 99.9 percent mislead)( Luke 17:26)?99% mislead today minimum.
God will wipe the wicked off of his earth for love, to protect the righteous.
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The Anointed
Thu 11 Apr, 2024 06:25 pm
Go to Hell.

Sorry mate but, that’s not my destination.

I've attacked your hypocrisy and your bigotry.

I am neither a bigot or a hypocrite old mate.

You call me an atheist because you can accdpt that a y9ne can d8sagree with yoj because you're a terrible person.

I’m a very nice person when you get to know me and I call you an atheist because you are an atheist

Most Christians selectively read the Bible.

They certainly do. THE WORD OF GOD and the Pascal Lamb have the same purpose. To be saved on the day when the angel of death passes over the earth, you must eat the entire body of the Lamb, the head, hoofs, intestines, etc with the meat. You are not to break a bone in the body and carry the choicest pieces somewhere else to eat it. You must eat the entire body of the WORD and not just those dainty pieces that titillate the tastebuds of your mind. That's why most so=called christians are blind to the truth as revealed in the entire words of the Lord.

It's normally the events in Genesis that are viewed as allegorical, but not you, you accept all of that but ignore the Golden Rule.

I certainly do eat the entire body of scriptures and live by the Golden Rule.

Luke tried to fit the birth of Christ into previous pfophecies.

Nope, Luke revealed that Herod the Great died in 4 B.C. immediately after he had ordered the death of all the children in northern Bethlehem and its surrounding districts who were two years and below in order to eliminate the Messiah who, according to the visiting wise men was born in 6 B.C., which was during the time that Ceasar Augustus was conducting his entire Roman census, when Quirinius was on a campaign in Syria as Augustus’ Vicegerent.

The census did not happen when he claimed, nor did the men all have to return to their places of birth.

The census did happen in 6 B.C. when Luke claimed and the men did have to return to their place of birth.

It's ridiculous, doesn't make sense, instead of working and making money people are spending weeks or months travelling.

It's not ridiculous, and the men did return to the place of their birth.

It never happed, Luke was wrong, at best he was mistaken, but he most likely lied.

It did happen, Luke was correct and was not mistaken and no way whatsoever did he lie.

Those are the facts regardless of what the Council of Nicaea decided.

I have given you the facts, so you can disregard anything that the council of Nicaea decided.

And I'll take no lectures from someone who twist scriptures for their own sick purposes.

And I wouldn’t expect you to take lectures from someone who twists the scriptures for their own sick purposes. But I, who am true to ‘THE WORD’ will continue to correct your mistakes, believing that they are made, not in malice but in ignorance.

Fri 12 Apr, 2024 01:30 am
Luke lied.

The facts speak for themselves.

You prefer lies over truth.

Here's another fact. JWs cover up child abuse.

Your repulsive religion has nothing to do with God.

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Fri 12 Apr, 2024 01:33 am
@The Anointed,
What you don't realise is that someone as morally depraved as yourself claims to be a Christian you bring all of Christianity into disrepute.

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Fri 12 Apr, 2024 01:34 am
This thread has answered your question, because they're awful people who put dogma over humanity.
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Fri 12 Apr, 2024 02:23 am
From wiki

Contrary to the Gospel of Matthew, which places Jesus's birth in the time of Herod I, the Gospel of Luke (2:1–5) correlates it with the census:

Mainstream biblical scholars have acknowledged that the Gospel of Luke is erroneous. Its author seems to have invoked the census as Joseph and Mary's motivation for departing "their own city" of Nazareth, Galilee, for Bethlehem.Additionally, the author may have wished to contrast Joseph and Mary's obedience to the Roman edict with the rebelliousness of the Zealots, and also to find a prophetic fulfilment of Psalm 87:6: "In the census of the peoples, [princes] will be born there."(Luke and Matthew also give different accounts of the family's departure from Bethlehem.)

Scholars point out that there was no single census of the entire Roman Empire under Augustus and the Romans did not directly tax client kingdoms; further, no Roman census required that people travel from their own homes to those of their ancestors. A census of Judaea would not have affected Joseph and his family, who lived in Galilee under a different ruler; the revolt of Judas of Galilee suggests that Rome's direct taxation of Judaea was new at the time. Catholic priest and biblical scholar Raymond E. Brown postulates that Judas's place of origin may have led the author of Luke to think that Galilee was subject to the census. Brown also points out that in the Acts of the Apostles, Luke the Evangelist (the traditional author of both books) dates Judas's census-incited revolt as following the rebellion of Theudas, which took place four decades later.


Luke and Matthew contradict each other. They can't both be correct.
Fri 12 Apr, 2024 02:25 am
The truth about JWs

Media personality Rebekah Vardy, who grew up as a Jehovah's Witness, has alleged she was sexually abused between the ages of 11 and 15.

She made the claims as part of a new Channel 4 documentary, set to air on Tuesday.

She claimed the alleged abuse was covered up by "elders", senior male leaders within the religious group.

In a statement, Jehovah's Witnesses said they "lacked the information to comment on individual cases".

Jehovah's Witnesses are a Christian-based religious movement with around 8.5 million followers worldwide and which believes the destruction of the world is imminent.

Mrs Vardy, who grew up as a Jehovah's Witness, says she hopes by speaking about her experiences that she will be able to show others there is a "light at the end of the tunnel".

She will be seen making the accusation as part of a Channel 4 documentary, Rebekah Vardy: Jehovah's Witnesses And Me, which is broadcast on Channel 4 at 22:00 BST on Tuesday.

Speaking to ITV's Good Morning Britain about the documentary, Mrs Vardy said she was "scared of the consequences" of speaking about sexual abuse due to "the fear of bringing shame on to the family".

"I found this part of my life a bit of an obstacle but I wanted to use this obstacle to create an opportunity to help other people that have been in similar situations and just hopefully show that there's light at the end of the tunnel," she told the programme.

"I think I realised that I've probably only just scratched the surface, I think my story isn't unique and there's going to be plenty of others, as have already come out, that will continue to come out."

https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-65610916<br />
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Fri 12 Apr, 2024 02:29 am
There is a story about a Chinese Emperor who decided to call a horse a cow*.

After calling it a cow he asked his advisors what it was.

Those who agreed with the Emperor kept their jobs, those who told the truth were executed.

That sounds very much like the "god" JWs worship.

Dogma trumps Truth every time.

* I'm retelling from memory, it may not have been a horse and a cow, it could have been two other animals, but the message is the same.
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