Mon 31 Mar, 2003 04:43 pm
What do you think our beloved sons and duaghters will say when, after Baghdad is secured and they think they're coming home they're informed that first we're going next door and fight another war in Syria?
How do you think the American people will react to that?
I wouldn't jump to that conclusion, bi, at least not so soon. If this war bogs down much further, I doubt the powers-that-be will be stupid enough to start another one right away. Public support might start to fray just a little too much...
Syria is getting PO'd Iran and Kuwait are getting POd.... who else? Saudi Arabia? And now we have sanctions against industry in Pakistan. India, Japan and in between are pulling together without the US to deal with the N/S Korean situation. And, we haven't finished Afghanistan. This is a nightmare.
littlek, I knew this was a dream. It's too nightmarish to be real. c.i.
I would add Turkey and :gasp: North Korea to the list.
It all depends on the electoral timing and the combatant losses.
If things roll along according to the US government's plans, then yes, Syria is next, maybe Iran, some mish-mash with Turkey about Kurdistan, a few turns in the Saudi screw... just for starters.
Who can stop that? In the first place, American public opinion. Later, American voters.
ebrown_p wrote:I would add Turkey and :gasp: North Korea to the list.
Nah...not North Korea. They really have weapons of mass destruction!
Reminds me of a Mel Brooks Song....
"All I want is peace!
Just a little piece of Turkey,
A little piece of Iran,
A little piece of Syria
and a little Pakistan..."
Sorry D'Art - Syria is now on the firing line. If they haven't been supplying Iraq with arms, they've been supplying Hezbollah with Iraqi arms, or they're storing Iraqi WMDs, or they haven't joined the Coalition of the Willing, or they just LOOK suspicious. Very probably the border with Iraq will be sealed off and a 'no-fly'zone enforced.
Stillwater what is yr problem with Hezbollah. They are a legitimate Lebanese organisation.
Irony, Ketamine, irony.
I don't think Mr Stillwater HAS a problem with hezbollah.
Irony...oh like that Canadian singer Alanis Morissette sings about...only she doesn't understand the meaning of the word.
Thank goodness sarcasm is easier to recognize than irony.
Depends on how everything goes, and who's left standing.
Now some of the Central America countries, who've been sadly left out of this debate. Lots of human rights violations there, but it would all get murky because of our connections with them - like Iran-Contra. A tangled web, indeed. One of the interesting things happening now is how we seem to be losing parts - Spain has gone notably silent, and Italy has disappeared, and the Portuguese don't want part of this - but then they are all old Europe.
Egypt, Kenya (I think....), someone said something about S Africa, Indonesia.....
Yep, it's all US and UK it seems.