Snowing in Houston area. F**k the snow and cold.
27 degrees, flakes on the ground.
My dog runs in the snow.
Frank the cat is hiding somehow.
Don't know where he would choose to go
Snow snow, Houston snow
What did we do, it abuses so
Snow snow f**k the glorious snow
You can ignore this voice of the not-formally educated if you like. I left the system as I was about to turn sixteen. I was a reader all of my life until my eyes became too weak. My knowledge of grammar and my understanding of words are based on what I picked up from various authors, not Strunk and White. When I edit a story, I read as one reads any author, looking for the flow, stumbling on errors, and cluttered language. I do this as often as necessary. I opt for simple words because ornate paragraphs confuse me and cause me to lose interest. Also, simplicity makes editing easier. When I wrote my last book I wrote as I normally speak, then cleaned up overly sloppy portions, while retaining my original voice. My subject matter rarely calls for research, making the simple simpler. Lastly, I use the free version of Grammarly, which is overly intrusive, but it helps the way a thesaurus and a dictionary help. Grammarly can screw up a sentence if you don't watch it carefully. Lastly, I write what I want to write. If it sells, great. If not - Well, it may be discovered and made use of in some future I am not a part of. Good luck if you too are a writer.
I never expected to win the lottery when I began playing. I still don't. The reason I play is simple. I don't have a lot of money. Lighting could strike. If not, well, I don't spend that much on it. I used to spend lots more on alcohol and tobacco. I was just musing. I was 42 when I began playing. The reason I know is because I play number 42 on the lottery, my age at the time I first played. So I've been buying tickets for 40 years. Don't tell me I should have banked the money. I go through enough money crises that I would have dipped into the savings and spent all of it.
For approximately three months I was incapable of developing a new story. The publication of EndEarthers was that overwhelming. But now I'm nearing the finish of a first draft of about 9,000 words titled: "Spacer: The Last of the Species." It is, I am proud to say, one of my best efforts. I will offer it as a stand alone, but if no one accepts it I intend to build a new collection around it.
My natural bowlegs have bowed more in recent times. The dog has taken to walking with me in between my legs.