You should ask yourself if you're actually marriage material if you think you're an island and can do everything yourself.
I like an independent person as much as any one else, but what you're doing isn't independent, it's selfish behavior and really, downright mean. Asking for help isn't a vulnerable action, it's a mark of strength to allow yourself to rely on someone else.
In this case with the vehicle situation, come on, that's just childish and bizarre that sharing a car with your spouse is a no-go. We'll skip the part where she works from home so transportation would have been available while yours was getting repaired, and go straight to the part where your anger and hurt overfilled you and you got nasty, yes, nasty about it.
What's that all about? To show how "independent" you are by purposefully throwing verbal jabs and lording a mistake over her head? Is this how you expect your marriage to go, a constant battle of wills to determine who caused what strife and when? To let someone be aware that they'll NEVER meet standards, real or perceived?
That's too much. Really, just too much to ask for anyone to live up to. People make mistakes. Even YOU. But, hey don't take my word for it, trust the fact that she'll get tired of always being wrong, accused of being untrustworthy and a constant let-down to you.
Yes, she'll figure it out, more quicker than not, you're just not meant to be in a relationship with anybody but yourself.