Fri 24 Mar, 2023 05:59 pm
I am that there are books that are summaries of other books. For example, Summary & Analysis of Keep Sharp by Sanjay Gupta, which consists solely of a summary of "Keep Sharp" by Sanjay Gupta.
Is there a listing of the books that have summaries so I can find if a book I am reading has a "summary book?"
If a book is deemed worthy of study then there are all sorts of Study Guides available, Brodies notes being the ones I remember.
Otherwise all I can suggest is seeing if there is a Wikipedia page or an Amazon listing which has a synopsis.
Try College Outline Series.
izzythepush wrote:
If a book is deemed worthy of study then there are all sorts of Study Guides available, Brodies notes being the ones I remember.
Or Cliff Notes if you want a brand name. Then there's
Blinkist (a service that sponsors many YouTube channels).
Their business model:
Quote:Blinkist is a professional book summary service that allows you to understand the key insights from the world's best non-fiction books in 15 minutes or less.