Hello Revelette,
Actually Bob first accused me of white supremacism, so the question is better asked of him (which I did ask, but he has refused to give his reasons).
I'm able (and happy) to give reasons:
The irony of Bobs accusations, is that in accusing another of white supremacism, he wrote multiple assumptions that showed a white superiority complex:
- In my post, I only quoted facts, and asked him to clarify his ideas... so it was irrational for him to draw such a conclusion. So then, in articulately pulling his post apart... in his mind, educated/articulate=white person (otherwise he wouldn't accuse me of white supremicism). I'm not white.
- why would he think I meant white people when I wrote 'foreign lenders'? I wrote foreign lenders for a reason (there are many non-white wealthy countries). His assumption again shows a white superiority mindset.
And prior to these two indicators, he wrote 'africa needs a lot less benign neglect'. If you are unaware,
China is splashing a lot of money around in Africa, and he does not appear to know this. So his statement sounded an awful lot like 'the superior white people should step in an fix the problem' ...so I told him what it sounded like, and asked him to clarify what he meant...he refused to clarify what he meant (likely because it means exactly what it looks like it means)
There are other minor signs that in context, are consistent with the above indicators.
Even people that want better for another peoples can subsconsciously feel superior to them. The irony is that he projected that onto me, who is not white, for articulately asking questions he couldn't / wouldn't answer.
By the way - In how it treats Africa, I doubt China is any better than the West in its intentions, but it appears to be going about it a somewhat different way than the West. There are a lot of articles on this subject if you are interested.