i do have a cell phone, but i was so busy not hitting her that i couldn't get anything on her. plus i forgot in my earlier story, she then shot across 4 lanes of traffic (literally 4 at one time during rush hour no less) to head towards the downtown tunnel (which at that point was backed up and she had to cut off two other people who were going maybe 25mph while she was going 8 million mph-only to stop pretty much dead to sit in the tunnel traffic). now i would say that maybe she was heading towards the naval hospital, but if i remember correctly you exit much before that (and norfolk general is in downtown norfolk so she couldn't have been going there).
i mean, i was being relatively reckless driving 70 in a 55, but she passed me like i was standing still and i am not kidding when i say that when she was tailgating me, i couldn't see her front windshield she was close to me, all i could see was the top of her car.
sturgis you are right, i have no idea what she was doing and i shouldn't judge her, but honestly (parents, you tell me because i have no kids) would anyone out there, even in an emergency, tailgate an SUV at 70 mph (her car would have easily slid under mine if she had hit me and could have decapitated them both), then pass them going faster than 70, then cut them off and slam on your breaks with your young child in the front seat with no seatbelt onlt to then bolt across 4 lanes and come to a complete stop after cutting off two more people? even if her child was in some kind of emergency situation, i fear she subjected them to a much worse one. i would have been having a heart attack if i was that child.
shewolf, you been in texas too long
roadside executions...haha.