Okay, my husband came home from lunch, and he's going to talk to personnel about letting me fly from Salt Lake City to Anchorage.
This allows me to go with him part of the way and shortens the flight time for the animals to 5 1/2 - 7 hours. If I did this, kickycan can rest his pretty hinney because the cat would go in the baggage cabin.
I feel more comfortable with that.
Sorry, but the dog would still be up front.
I know Continental allows cats. They only say that they can't share crates if they are of different breeds.
My husband's worry of course is just that I'll be 7 1/2 months pregnant and I'm a high risk pregnancy. So, he would prefer me to not be in the car at all since it borders the time frame a lot of doctors don't recommend being in the car for long. BUT, he loves the animals and I enough to compromise.
We don't know if they allow this new idea (or how it will change) since he gets paid PER PERSON, per mile which includes gas, hotel, luggage, food, and the per mile business.
He has an appt tomorrow to make the final outline of the trip.
It would mean that I will drive through:
(start point) - Dallas, TX
New Mexico
Denver, Colorado
then onto Salt Lake City to board plane.