realjohnboy wrote:
johnboy was in the line, just ahead of yall. And in front of me was an old lady with blue hair. We were waiting for whatever lay ahead. Suddenly she turned around, stepped to one side and snarled: "You bunch of ass-pinching, pot-smoking, foul-mouthed idiots...do your children and grand-children know how you have spent this afternoon?" There was silence for a moment and then was heard one small voice: "grilled cheese?"
That was from August, 2005.
Damn. It is hard to believe that this thread is closing in on 5 years old. And nothing ever happens. We wait...and wait... for grilled cheese sandwiches.
Kickycan started it, joined by Shewolfen, Montana, Chai and others perhaps no longer on A2K. I came in on about page 4 after more than a bit from others about recreational drugs.
I have always admired the relentless optimism of the people in the line here. Some day, somehow, we will get what we have patiently waited for and want most in the world: GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICHES.