someone's got to say it.....
Who cut the cheese?
Hamsters claim, on page whatever we are up to, that no posts exist for this topic. No posts exist? My god, does that mean the line doesn't exits anymore?
It's boring waiting in this damn line.
Who wants to f*ck?
If you are going to do that, at least put this over-sized poncho over the three of you.
You don't want to end up on You-Tube.
Joe(or maybe you do)Nation
kickycan wrote:It's boring waiting in this damn line.
Who wants to f*ck?
Kickys Line..
NOT safe for work!!!!!!!!
now THAT stopped the line..
No dork's in this line. (My work has no hummingbird policy)
Aww... just Wook at thowse pweety little hummingboids.
soooo pwetty so tweet
The Coffee wagon is here.
Time for coffee.
I never got my grilled cheese sammich . . . screw this line . . .
Hey, is that TTH up there? Dammit, she's back and she CUT!
Hey look everyone, it's Fred Willard talking about a joke he tells in the movie, For Your Consideration!
You know what they say about blind prostitutes...
That is officially my new favorite joke of all time. It has just dethroned the one about the two flies...
These two flies are sitting on a piece of crap. One burps, and the other one says, "Hey, ya mind? I'm trying to EAT!"
I don't know...maybe it's a tie. Okay, so now I guess I have TWO all-time favorite jokes. Sweet. I'm a lucky dude.
(wondering who's under the poncho and why it's moving like that.)
Cub asked the other day if I was still in line. Reminded me that a grilled cheese sammich would be really good with my homemade chicken noodle soup. So, I guess I have to stay in line. Hope the soup holds.
*hides under blanket giggling..*
I was hoping for a bowl of that chili soup that Frankie told me about. Extra spicy.
Can you see if there's anything left in that cauldron?
Squinney, is that you in the yellow slicker? is it red chowder?
I would immediately suspect that big feller - but the rabbit does eat a lot of
<<ahem>> <<ahem>>
Excuse me, is this the express line for the frozen custard and shakes or is this the long line for the grilled food like the Shake Shack burgers and fries?