Vonda1941 wrote:Hi Sue,
According to the pink print out Lovatts sent me when I subscribed for a year of Colossus, BIG 151 went on sale on Thursday 25th Aug, and my friend who subscribes to BIG got her issue several days before that. I'm wondering what course you are doing at TAFE.

Hi Vonda,
First of all, I didn't win anything

and it wasn't even whatever it was I ordered with my "My Chemist" points. It was my quarterly FOTZ (Friends Of The Zoos) newsletter - they'd actually taken notice of the 'DO NOT BEND' printed in huge letters on the A4 envelope, for about the 3rd time in 15 years!
Yes, every Lovatts publication (with, seemingly, a couple of exceptions this year) is due out on a Thursday but for the last couple of years they've appeared in shops the day before (at least here in Melb). I'll be able to get Big later today. I
wondered if subscribers got theirs earlier. I used to subscribe to Time and it arrived a couple of days
after it hit the streets.
My TAFE course is Certificate II in Business (Office Administration). I'm doing it at NMIT (not to be confused with RMIT) which is the Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE, at the Preston campus (I live in Fitzroy). I take print-outs of the Conceptis free weekly pencil puzzles to do in lunch breaks and on the train or tram.