The thought of men returning to trews such as my ancestors wore fills me with more sorrow than Derdriu knew . . .
Yes, Bath, and it's im-pec-able.
Yes, Beth, and it's im-pec-able.
Merry Andrew wrote:Yes, Bath
Is that some kind of insinuation?
The girl prefers showers . . .
showers of flowers
are better than clods of dirt
after a long day
'Gad, you're fast! I thought I had corrected that before anyone could glimpse it.
Quick and the bloody dead around here...
aaaaarrrggghhh bunny bit! <Ima slow learner!>
Yay! a weekend's arrived - and not a minute too soon!
margo wrote:aaaaarrrggghhh bunny bit! <Ima slow learner!>
Yay! a weekend's arrived - and not a minute too soon!
Bit whom?????!!!!!!
Thankee, Set.
So - I am watching a spooky film, right?
So - what is with the evil children - it's a real theme. Why are we scared of kids?
Like - when weird stuff is happening - I am SO going to investigate IN THE DARK!
well, Deb, m'dear
dark is the whole basis of the film - it's DARK!!!!
If they turned on the bloody lights the whole theme would be lost. Always fascinates me that they use the same effect in any of these cop/spy/csi type programmes.
Come into the light - people! (bloody gooses!)
<I was gunna say "geese" but "gooses" sounds sooo much better!>
Oh, I know - but still - TURN ON THE BLOODY LIGHTS!!!!!
That's a really excellent question, Deb -- "Why are we afraid of kids?" Because so many people are, you know. Especially adolscents. Americans, at least, are terrified of them. Maybe it has something to do with the statistics. Did you know, for example, that something like 85 percent of the prison population is under 30, a goodly number much, much younger than that? People over 45 don't commit the kinds of crimes that will land you behind bars for a respectable period of time. Then, of course, there are the horror shows (real life, I mean) from time to time, such as the Columbine shooting. That was extreme, but it was, by no means, an isolated incident. We fear our young people.
We fear them needlessly, most of the time. Young minds are impressionable and young people quite malleable. Casting no aspersions on your own profession, Deb, but I fully believe that part of the fault lies with the current thinking in social work circles. I see this in American schools all the time, especially in classes for the so-called "special needs" students, the ones who are unmanageable in a standard classroom environment. They are given virtual free rein when what most of them really crave is structure, organization and a firm hand. "Oh, don't stop him from destroying his lab assignment. You don't want to frustrate him. Let him express himself."
I recall, a couple of years ago, being on a subway train in Boston where a half dozen teen-agers seemed about to trash the entire car. They were tearing the advertising posters from the walls, intimidating the other passengers and it seemed quite probable they might start breaking windows at any moment. The passengers were sutably indimidated, "scared" as you sau, and kept their eyes down. I stood up and said, "Stop it." I didn't yell it, I said it in the kind of voice a department manager would use to give a direct order to a subordinate, quiet but firm.
You know what? They were so surprised, they stopped it. One young buck had the gumption to come up to me and say, "Yeah? What are you gonna do?"
I looked at him, smiled, shook my head and said, "Sonny, trust me, you don't want to find out."
He looked at me again, decided I didn't look like one who makes idle threats and sat down.
That's apropos of nothing, really, but this is a digression thread, ain't it?
Oh - but in horror films, they are always LITTLE kids - or almost always....
The Bad Seed, The Omen, Rosemary's Baby (only apears at the end, mind you), The Innocents, the one about the possessed kid - with Blair whatsit.....
you mean The Exorcist . . .
Blair (Linda) has a nice voice now..
She is called the Ex Hoarsest...
Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee . . .
She also has an incredibly huge rack . . .